Imagine Sign

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🧡Bakugo with a deaf girlfriend🖤

💥How you two met was so random... Not really, you accidentally bumped into him. He started screaming at you.

💥You being able to read lips, quickly signed a apology.

💥Bakugo being the smart little shit he is, who actually had a fear of losing his hearing one day, was fluent in sign language.

💥'I'm so sorry senpai'! 'Tch, whatever nerd'

💥You were hella surprised when he singed back. You gave him a small smile and he walked away.

💥The second time you met he saved you from a villain.

💥"What the fuck were you thinking dumbass!? Could you not hear the evacuation-... Oh-. 'Let's get you to safety'. He had realized who you were.

💥After that Bakugo made it his goal to protect you always.

💥So naturally with him popping up over and over again... You developed feelings.

💥Oh my God! He wouldn't like me! I'm not that pretty! And I'm deaf so I can't even do most dates! Your thoughts were running wild.

💥Meanwhile Bakugo was already planning your wedding... JK. Just your first date. Which felt like a wedding to him.

💥'Oi! Nerd! We're going on a date, right now. Let's go's'.

💥You just sat there with your phone in hand, hella shocked... I guess there's no other options... Because he gave none.

💥Not like you would declined him if he had asked properly. It's just bruh! I'm not even dressed cute today and this is when you want to go out!

💥He took you to a park, you guys were having a picnic. You guys talked about his hero work... And your job as a writer... You did all of your talking in sign.

💥"(Y/n) can you speak"? You could speak... But you didn't know how your voice sound and you're afraid of it sounding bad. But this Bakugo... He hasn't made fun of you at all. You took a breath. "Y-yes". Bakugo's heart went boom!

💥He asked you to be his girlfriend that night... Ok he didn't ask this how it went.

💥'You're my girlfriend now, you can't decline because you accepted the date'. Which you didn't actually accept because he didn't ask. 'I'll be your boyfriend too, so you better fucking appreciate me baby! Because I'm not leaving'.

💥You were so happy that you hugged him on the spot. "I-i like you too K-katsuki".

💥Once again Bakugo's heart went boom!

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