Husband Bakugo x Pregnant reader

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I walked into my house to see Katsuki leaning against the wall. "Kacchan! I thought you went on patrol with Eijirou"! I said walking over to him. "I did but I had to come back because you weren't answering your phone". He said. "Sorry... I forgot to charge it today". I blushed. "Hmm". Katsuki said. He kissed me. "Where were you"? Katsuki asked. "Oh I was buying groceries"! I said running to the door and bringing the groceries in. Katsuki helped me. "You carried this here yourself"? Katsuki asked. "No! The guy that lives next door helped me. "I'll go kick his ass now". Bakugo said. "Wait Katsuki". I said grabbing his hand. He closed the door. "Alright. Let go of me. And don't strain yourself to much". Katsuki said putting away the groceries. When he finished he picked me up sitting me on the counter to look at him in the eyes. "What did I say"? Katsuki asked. "To not go out because it's dangerous". I said. "And what did you do"? Katsuki asked. "Went out because we needed groceries". I pouted. "Don't look at me like that. I should punish you babe". Katsuki said kissing me. "Forgive me"? I asked. "I don't know, then you let your phone die"? Katsuki asked. "Kacchan". I whined. "That sounds like a good reason to punish you". His hands traveled from my waist to my hips then cuffing my ass. I blushed. "Is your company ok with you leaving like that"? I asked. "Yeah I was done with work anyway". Katsuki kissed my neck.

He touched my stomach. "How you feeling"? He asked me. "I'm pretty fine he kicked a couple times". I laughed a little. "Feisty ain't he"? Katsuki laughed. "Just like his dad". I said. "That means he's bound for greatness". Katsuki smirked. "That means he'll be trouble". I rolled my eyes. There was a knock on the door. Then it opened. "Who the hell-". Katsuki was cut off by Izuku walking in. "Hi"! I smiled at my brother. "You fucking gave Deku keys to my house"? Katsuki asked. I nodded getting up to hug Izuku. "Hi sis"! Izuku kissed my forehead. Katsuki eyed him. "What are you and Kacchan doing"? Izuku asked. "Just talking". I smiled. "Why'd you come over"? I asked confused. "You weren't answering your phone". Izuku laughed nervously. "Mmm. You two still have the same mindset don't you". I smiled. "Don't compare Deku to me". Katsuki said going to make dinner. "Katsuki I can do it you've been at work all day"! I said. "You need to sit down. Deku are you staying for dinner"? Katsuki asked. "Please Izu"! I smiled. "Uh yeah sure Kacchan". Izuku said. He touched my stomach. "How's little Kacchan doing"? Izuku asked. "Good. He's been active to say the least". I said. "His name isn't Kacchan". Bakugo said. "Katsuma. I'm due next month! I can't wait to get you out"! I said rubbing my stomach.

"I might put another one in you". Katsuki smirked. "Ugh no"! I said. Katsuki laughed. Izuku left after dinner. I was helping Katsuki wash dishes. "Kacchan". I mumbled going to kiss him. "When's the last time I claimed you"? Katsuki asked. "It's been 8 months Katsuki". I said. "I'm sorry babe. I don't want to hurt Katsuma". Katsuki said. I sighed. "I can still pleasure you, you just can't get what you want". Katsuki smirked. "But I want you Katsuki. Please". I said. "I... I want you to babe". Katsuki kissed me. "Just be gentle". I said. The next day I woke Katsuki up. I poked his face until his eyes opened. "I hate you". He mumble turning away from me. I poked his ass. "Stop it". Katsuki said. I kept doing it until he got up. "What do you want dumbass"? Katsuki asked looking at the time. "I'm hungry". I said. He glared at me. "Eat my cock". Katsuki growled laying back down. I smiled at him a little. I went to get up and he brought me down holding me in his arms. "Katsuki"! I whined. "5 more minutes and I'll make you breakfast". Katsuki said kissing my neck. "Can I have pancakes"? I asked. "Yes". Katsuki said. I snuggled back up to him and we went to sleep.

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