The Start

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The start was all so sudden for me. No past, just woke up, laying in the bed. I was confused... I was an artificial being, I was man-made. I was a robot, but, something was off...

Creator (Fred Fazworth's) POV:
My creation had come to life! Oh, he was finished! He was everything I made him to be! When I turned him on, he reacted just like a person. He got up out of bed, limping, not being used to his paws. He was in fact a bipedal bear. I longed for friends, and, I made one, literally. But, you might be wondering how he has feelings, emotions, and a heart. Brain cells. I actually got up, and removed brain cells from a certain memory holder. The one of me in high school, when I was happy, carefree, and in a band. The lead singer.
Naturally, he was giddy, but, sensitive. I couldn't give an opinion when he first walked, because, being confused, and, he probably felt a little scared, maybe lonely.

The bear's POV:

I was slowly walking, it was quite an adventure! Man! I womdered why I was there.
I saw a man, covered in oil, and dirt.
My jaw hung open, meaning I was about to speak.
"H-hello..!" I said.
The man hugged me, crying into my chest, stroking my fur.
"You're alive, my creation..!" he blubbered.

"You built me..?" I asked.

"You're everything I thought!" he said, ruffling the fur at the top of my head.

I dropped my ears, and cocked my head.
"Who am...I..?" I asked.
"Oh my god..! I forgot to name you..!" he screamed. He dashed upstairs, quickly.
I was a lot like a baby, then. Very sensitive, a bit easy to scare, and wondering what I was.
I walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. I was a bear. A brown, bipedal bear. I had bright blue eyes, I had paws that had opposable thumbs, but. I did feel something else I needed. I probably should've been dressed! I walked into the man's room, and took a bow tie, a black one, and a top hat, which didn't fit my head, but, it still looked good.
The man walked out, and looked at me.
"I'll call you Freddy!" he said.
"I love it!" I said.

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