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"Riley wake up!" I groggily opened my eyes to see Marcia shaking me. "It's three pm and we still have loads to do before the dance," she said. I sat up and stared at her. "I already told you I'm not going and you don't even go to our school," I protested. She smiled at me.

"You're going, like it or not. I'm not letting another girl put you down. Besides, I'm going as Freddy's plus one," she beamed. I thought for a moment, I could easily lounge around all day but I knew she wouldn't let me. "Okay fine, but I don't even have a dress or nice shoes so maybe it looks like I have to stay at home," I said exaggeratingly. 

"Oh no you don't, we're going shopping!!" She squealed. I looked at her in admiration. "Why are you being so kind to me?" I asked. "We're best friends, we always have each other's backs" she smiled and my heart felt like it did a backflip. It was nice to feel appreciated.

Marcia took me to Tampa + Victory plaza in Reseda. It was a decent-sized mall that was packed with shoppers of all ages. We had a look in a few shops until we settled on a cute little boutique near the food court. She made me try on a few dresses until we found the perfect one with matching shoes but when I looked at the price tag, I almost had a heart attack. I still didn't completely understand American dollars as I was still used to my English pounds but that price was ridiculous.

"You can't buy these, it's way too expensive," I whispered in alarm. "Riley it's okay! Consider it your early birthday present," she smiled. I went to argue but she covered my mouth with her hand and made me follow her to the till. "I'd like these items please," she said to the cashier who started to scan the clothes. "I owe you one," I said when she eventually let go with a grin.

Once back at my place, we began getting ready with an hour till the dance. We helped each other do our hair and makeup. Staring in the mirror, I couldn't believe how good I looked. I felt transformed into someone new. "You look amazing!!" Marcia complimented. "So do you!!" I replied. "Are you ready?" She asked. "Ready if you are," I said slowly. When dad drove us to school shortly after, he had the proudest look on his face.


The gym had been completely changed from the usual bare look to a party filled space. Kids were scattered about from the dance floor to making out on the steps, loads were at the food table and some were outside on the pitch. Looking around, I couldn't see Daniel anywhere but Freddy approached us, meeting Marcia with a sweet kiss.

"You two look great!" He smiled. "Thanks, Freddy Teddy," Marcia swooned. Whilst he was talking to some friends, I pulled Marcia to the side. "I can't see him anywhere and Elly will notice me soon," I fretted. "Riley, forget about her. You're here for us and to have a good time," she comforted. 

We danced through a couple of good songs when Marcia spotted another girl from her school dancing nearby. "I'll be right back," she said before scuttling off. I danced awkwardly on the floor alone, trying not to pull any attention to myself. That didn't last long because Elly came up to me and cleared her throat loudly. "Looks like the new girl decided to show up, where's Daniel Riley?" Elly said firmly. "I don't have to keep a tab on him twenty-four-seven," I shrugged, avoiding the question. 

"How pathetic, you better watch out that Ali doesn't win him back," she jeered. I could feel tears of frustration welling up in my eyes. I pushed past the girls and ran outside, snaking my way through loads of kids. I found myself once again at the bench where Daniel and I properly spoke on my first day. 

"I thought I'd find you here," an all too familiar voice said. I turned my head away and violently wiped my tears away. "Why are you here Daniel? You should be inside having a good time," I said. I could hear my voice breaking slightly which irked me. "I can't be inside having a good time when you're not, your happiness means a lot to me," he took a seat beside me. "Did you think about my happiness when you kissed Ali back?" I asked defensively, still avoiding eye contact.

"I did think about you. I liked her once but it's different now. I mean she got back with that football player yesterday and that says everything I need to know about her," he said. I finally turned to look at him. He was dressed in a blue suit and looked handsome as ever. "You look really beautiful," he breathed out. I gave a small smile. "So do you," I said quietly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got mad at you for kissing her. I get it, she's your ex and sometimes old feelings appear like a moth drawn to a flame, like my mum used to say. It was just hard when I saw it because I like you," I sniffled. He grabbed my hands and held on tightly. "I like you too Riley, I have for a long time but this whole fake relationship clouded my judgement," he explained.

We stared at each other and I eventually laughed a little. "What a big misunderstanding that was huh," I said. "I know, but trust me when I say if I knew this from before, she wouldn't have been the girl kissing me," he said firmly. "Oh yeah, then who would it be?" I sassed.

"You, it will always be you," he leaned in and kissed me ever so passionately. Under the moonlight bench and the music playing inside, it was the perfect moment. When we pulled away breathlessly, he wrapped his arms around me for a hug. He helped to fix my running mascara and together we walked back into the dance holding hands.

We waltzed over to the dancefloor and began swaying to the music. Daniel noticed Elly staring and he tapped my back to get my attention. When I looked, he pulled me in for a kiss. The others around wolf-whistled and gossiped excitedly. I caught Marcia's eye and she gave me a thumbs up whilst Freddy wrapped his arm around her. They joined us on the dancefloor and the four of us had a great time. Elly came up to us and folded her arms.

"You might've proved me wrong but I'm still keeping an eye on you," she warned. "What are you, an international spy or something? Grow up," Marcia intervened. Elly rolled her eyes before she sauntered off. "Some people just don't know when to let go," I said which made the others laugh in agreement.


Six months later

There was a beep from outside and I knew exactly who it was. I carried my suitcase down to the kitchen where my dad was. "I'll see you in a few weeks pops," I said as I gave him a hug. "Bye hun, stay safe!" He said. "Love you!" I called out. "Love you too!" He responded and then I headed outside. 

Daniel helped me put my suitcase next to his in the trunk before he smothered me in kisses. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Ready when you are," I smiled. We hopped into his car and drove off, heading towards the airport to meet Mr Miyagi. His father was dying in Okinawa so he was flying over there to say goodbye. Little did he know, Daniel and I would be joining him. Mr Miyagi was the closest thing Daniel had to a father so when Miyagi needed him, Daniel would be there and I would be right behind them.

My hair flew in the wind as we drove down the highway. I felt free and seeing Daniel smile made me the happiest. We had graduated from school, attending the senior prom together and were looking at colleges to go to. The future was looking bright but whatever happened, I just knew I wanted Daniel LaRusso, my karate kid by my side.

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