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I turn the key in the lock and enter the shop for the day. I gasp, the place is a mess. Walking around, it's evident that someone has trashed it. I quickly get angry, whoever did it also broke our stock of Bonsai trees. "What the fuck!" Suddenly, I'm thrown to the ground as a hand presses down on the back of my neck.

"Hey, Danny boy" I recognise Mike's voice instantly. I try to stand up but he's on top of using all his weight. "I'm not signing the damn thing" I growl. "But I think you are" he sneers and slams the paper down next to me with a pen. "If you don't sign it, you'll choke out" he adds as he tightens his grip on my neck. I try to resist but it's too much.

"Okay okay," I gasp for air. With a shaky hand, I sign the contract. After a moment, he climbs off me and snatches the contract. He checks it over and I watch as a grin etches on his face. "Perfect, thanks Danny boy," he says. I glare at him and serve a swift kick to his chest. He stuffs the contract into his pocket and we get into a fight.

We're almost about to kill each other when the shop door opens and Mr Miyagi walks in. Mike pulls away and moves his hand through his hair. "See you at the tournament LaRusso" he calls out as he runs away, the door shuts behind him. Mr Miyagi stares at me. "What happened to shop Daniel-San?" He asks.

"He trashed the place, I had to sign the contract" I answer. He walks over to the Bonsai trees and notices they're damaged. "Miyagi will have to sell truck" he sighs. "What? No, isn't there some other way to buy more trees?" I ask curiously. He shakes his head and starts to clean up. "Well, after you train me we can go Bonsai shopping" I suggest. Mr Miyagi looks at me like I'm crazy. "I no train you," he says.

"What?! You have to train me, these guys are killing machines" I plead. He shakes his head again as he sweeps up the floor. "I can't train myself, please Mr Miyagi" I beg. He looks at me again. "No training Daniel-San" he replies. I glare at the floor before storming out, I can't believe he won't train me! I go for a walk around town to cool myself off.

A tap on my shoulder catches my attention, I turn around to see Terry. "Oh hey man" I greet as we start walking together. "Hey, Daniel. You look down, can I help you?" He replies curiously. "I dunno. It's just my mentor won't train me for the big match coming up" I explain. "Why don't I train you over at Cobra Kai? I'll make sure you're in perfect condition" he offers. "Really?" I ask with a smile.

He nods. "I'd love to help you out, tell you what. Swing by the dojo tomorrow and we'll start right away" he grins. I think about it for a moment. I could really use the help and since Mr Miyagi won't train me, I guess Terry is my only option. "Sounds great, thanks a lot man" I reply. 

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