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I knock on the door and wait. I can feel people's eyes on me but I try to ignore it. What is it with these rich Encino youths? Some of the neighbours stare at me with a heated gaze. Can they tell I'm from Reseda? I'm wearing my best clothes. "Can I help you?" I call out to a little kid who's staring at me intensely. The kid sticks their tongue out and runs off laughing.

The door eventually opens and a man appears. He has a stubborn sort of face, he's not that much taller than me. "What do you want?" He grumbles. "I'm here to see Johnny" I explain. He stares at me with a grunt, I know I'm being judged by him. The man steps aside and lets me into the house. It's almost a mansion.

I'm shown through to Johnny's bedroom, it's larger than my own. I walk in and stand there awkwardly as I watch him practise some karate moves. "You can sit you know," Johnny says, he doesn't look at me. I move over and sit on his king-size bed, it's bouncy and very comfortable. He stops and then looks at me. "So, I think I might know where they're keeping her," he says.

I look at him with wide eyes. "Where is she?" I ask frantically. "Kreese has a bungalow not too far from here, he used to take us there after training" he explains. "You're certain she's there?" I ask. "I'm not sure but it's a possibility" he replies. "Well then, what do we do?" I demand. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and thinks for a moment. "We go there at night, I can scope out the house since I know it well. If I find her, you distract the others and I'll get her out" he plans.

"Do we bring anyone else?" I question. He shakes his head. "No we go just us, maybe have that old man wait in the car or something" he shrugs. "His name is Mr Miyagi" I roll my eyes. "Miyagi, Madagascar, I don't care. We can't have too many people" he says bluntly. I nod my head in response, Johnny seems to know what he's talking about. 

I listen and think about it. We both know it's risky but we have to try and save Riley. "Dude...What if she doesn't remember me?" I say suddenly, feeling anxious. He looks at me blankly and then for a moment, I almost see sympathy. "We'll get her back, don't worry" he replies calmly. I run my hands through my hair in a stressed manner. "When do we go?" I ask him, staring deeply.

He takes a deep breath.


The Karate Kid 🥋 (Daniel LaRusso)Where stories live. Discover now