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Riley's pov:


I'm restricted on a chair, tied up with rope that tangles my body in its grip. My head is pounding, I notice there's a pool of blood on the floor by my feet. The sound of footsteps frightens me so I close my eyes and pretend to still be unconscious. 

"I know you're awake karate girl" a voice sneers.

I slowly open my eyes to meet the blue ones of the young boy. He's smiling at me but I know it's far from genuine. I try to speak but my throat is dry, I squeal instead. "Shut up, I'm assuming you want some water" he grunts. I nod my head vigorously.

He leaves and then returns with a bottle of water. He pries my mouth open and forces the liquid down my throat, it feels cool but he lets out too much and I start to choke. "You idiot, you have to swallow" he rolls his eyes and takes the bottle away. I cough and try to catch my breath.

"W-who are you?" 

Just before the boy can answer, the man from the beach walks in. "Ah, I see our little guest is finally up" he taunts, I hold back my tears. The rope is too tight against my skin, it hurts all over. "She wants to know who we are" the boy grins. The man smiles.

"Terry Silver, this here is a good pal of mine" Terry taps the boy's shoulder. "Mike Barnes" the blue-eyed boy introduces. "Why am I here?" I ask, we can all hear the desperation in my tone. "Well, it's simple really. Your boyfriend deserves to be taken down" Terry smiles.

I'm confused, Daniel has never mentioned anyone called Terry or Mike.

"How do you know us?" I interrogate. Terry and Mike exchange glances and then burst out laughing. "You don't recognise me? I'm the founder of Cobra Kai" Terry smirks. My eyes widen, I think back to the time Daniel fought Johnny from Cobra Kai. 

The thought of John Kreese sent a shiver down my spine. He left town shortly after the match and nobody had heard from him since. "Please let me go, I want to go home" I plead. I feel uncomfortable as I look around what I assume is a warehouse. "No can do sweetheart," Terry replies.

"I will pay you money, I can give you my college funds" I try to negotiate. Mike shakes his head at my attempts. "That's not what we want," Mike says. "So what do you want?" I ask curiously. "We want you to join forces with Cobra Kai" Terry reveals.

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Are you serious? I don't even do karate" I scoff. "Maybe not but we know you've been taught by LaRusso and Miyagi. You will join us and help build a strong team" Terry replies casually. "Absolutely not. Even if I was interested, the only dojo I will ever stand by is Miyagi-Do Karate" I say in a raised voice.

Terry lifts my chin up and forces me to look at him. "You don't have a choice. If you don't join us, we'll kill your boyfriend" he threatens. I can't tell if he's trying to scare me or if he's being serious. Either way, I'm not risking it.

"So, will you join?" Mike grins. Tears stream down my eyes as I look at the two. "Yes."

"Good, I knew we could count on you. Training starts in a few days, first I have to pay Daniel a little visit" Terry smiles. "Don't you dare do anything to him!" I warn, my breathing is super heavy. 

"Release her into the house, keep an eye on her with the others. You know where the serum is in case you need it" Terry instructs. Mike nods and we watch as he leaves, I feel my body tense up. The word serum runs through my mind, are they planning on drugging me? Mike is rough as he unties me, my skin is red with soreness.

"Don't try anything" he grumbles. He harshly grabs onto my shoulders and steers me out of the warehouse, I'm then taken into a large, modern home. I'm dragged into a living room where there are 2 boys on the couch. "Riley, this is Snake and Dennis. Welcome to your new home" Mike says.

The three boys grin at me.

I have to try and escape.

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