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"Look, can we just talk about this?" Joseph asked me. "What's there to talk about? You've been nothing but manipulative towards us. What happened to the sweet Joe I grew up with?" I interrogated. Joseph sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Riley, I'll be honest. I regret ever letting you go. Back then I wasn't ready to commit but when you left for Reseda, I realized I needed you more than I thought" he admitted. I shuffled my feet uncomfortably. Half of me felt bad for him but then I also hated the way he treated my relationship.

"I can't be with you. I belong with Daniel" I said before breaking out his grip. "Riley, please. I'd be so much better for you. You can move back here to England and we can be together" he pleaded. We talked for a bit, mostly it was him trying to convince me to stay but I continuously declined. "Are we at least going to stay friends?" He asked. "I don't know how to answer that" I mumbled. Checking the time on my watch, nearly 2 hours had already passed. "Shit, I have to go," I said. "Riley!" He shouted after me but I had already sprinted out of the door.

I made my way home as quickly as I could. "Daniel?!" I yelled out, where the hell could he be? I ran upstairs to my room, the door was left open. Looking around, I noticed all his stuff was gone, even the suitcase. There was a note on my desk:

I'm sorry for everything you've been through, you don't deserve it. But I promise you I didn't cheat, I would never. Joseph and I made a deal, the winner of the karate match gets to be with you. So, I'm leaving to go home. I hope he makes you happy, I tried my best for you. I don't know when I'll next see you but I just want you to know that I'll never stop loving you.

Yours truly, 


I traced his boyish handwriting with tears spilling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe all this time I had been so clueless. All the fights, the arguments between the two. It was for me. But no matter what, my heart belonged to Daniel and nothing could change that. "D-Daniel" I wept in frustration. My mother then popped into the bedroom. "Mum, have you seen him?" I asked, wiping my tears before she could see. She nodded her head. "He's at the airport" she answered. "WHAT" I cried out. We weren't supposed to leave for another week. 

"Well, he came here all upset and asked me to book him an earlier flight along with a taxi. I was able to get him a seat swap" she smiled. I almost felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I knew eventually I'd see Daniel back home in Reseda but I didn't want to wait. "Mum, you have to take me to the airport" I demanded. She looked at me puzzled but grabbed her car keys before we headed out. On the way to the airport, I felt all jittery. If I couldn't stop Daniel from leaving then I'd have to wait another week before I could get him back, the thought of it made me feel sick.

When we arrived, I didn't even wait for my mum to park up. "Riley Cullen!" She yelled after me but I ignored her and ran into the jammed building. I had no idea where he'd be, I was running out of time. "Daniel!" I called out repeatedly as I weaved my way through families and random people. Security was watching me closely but I didn't care. I strained my eyes as I frantically searched for him in the airport. Then, I noticed tanned skin. Black hair. His grey suitcase. It was him. Except, he was on the other side of the gates where the plane takes off.

I ran as close as I could and banged on the glass. "Daniel, don't leave!" I screamed. People were watching me with odd expressions but I disregarded them. I pounded and struck, my hands were beginning to hurt. "Please Daniel, look at me. I'm right here!" I shouted. He turned his head, I sensed he could pick up on my voice over the hazy distant chatter of the people around us but his gaze never met mine. I watched as he queued up to board the plane, the tears were sliding off my face onto my shirt. 

"Daniel...No..." I muttered breathlessly. 

He took one last look around and with that, he was gone.

The Karate Kid 🥋 (Daniel LaRusso)Where stories live. Discover now