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Daniel's pov:

I searched through my suitcase frantically. I needed to find something valuable if I wanted my plan to work. Finally, I came across my camera that ma bought me for my birthday. "Perfect," I said to myself. Riley and Joseph were leaving soon for the performance. I sneaked my way downstairs into the hall and found Joseph's bag unattended. I quietly unzipped it, placing my camera inside underneath his belongings. The sound of footsteps made me paranoid so I quickly zipped his bag back up and acted like I was doing my hair in the mirror.

"We're going now babe," Riley said planting a kiss on my lips. She looked beautiful in her dress. "Bye baby," I replied. I hugged her tightly, breathing in her flowery scent. Joseph cleared his throat. "The limo's waiting" he announced. I rolled my eyes and let go, watching the three leave the house. I stood at the door and waved them off until the car was out of sight. I smiled to myself as I headed back into Riley's room and ordered myself some food. In a few hours, I'd be able to get back at him once and for all.


Riley's pov:

"Daniel?" I called out as we arrived back home. Joseph sat down on the couch tiredly and mum was still out at the country club with some friends. A few minutes later, Daniel entered the living room. He looked angry, almost confused angry. He peered behind the couch before moving over to the cabinet, looking inside. Joseph glanced at him oddly. "Baby, what are you doing?" I asked curiously. Daniel sighed frustratedly. "Someone stole my camera that ma bought me," he said, he sounded like he was trying not to cry. "That's awful, who would do such a thing?" Joseph said but something didn't sound genuine. "We'll find it don't worry" I hugged him.

"Look what I took from the country club," Joseph said with a smile. He dug into his bag and pulled out a camera. Daniel's camera. "Hey, that's mine!" Daniel shouted at him. Joseph's smile disappeared, he looked flustered. "That's ridiculous! I didn't take it. I took the trophy we won" Joseph faltered. He dug into his bag again and pulled out a trophy. Daniel snatched his camera back angrily. "So how did ma's camera get in your bag huh? You thief" I shook my head in disappointment. "Joseph I think you should apologize to Daniel and then leave," I said firmly.

"I didn't take your camera jackass, we both know it" huffed Joseph. For a second, I thought I noticed Daniel trying not to smirk but I wasn't close enough to make a judgement of it. "You heard the lady, apologize to me and then leave!" Daniel replied. Joseph ignored him and came up to me. "Riley you know me, I would never do such a thing" he pleaded. I sighed deeply, I didn't want to choose sides but the evidence was clear. "The camera was in your bag. Please say sorry and then go home, I'm tired" I replied sharply. 

Joseph gritted his teeth and approached Daniel. "I'm not apologising for something I didn't do, you framed me. I'll get you back though karate kid, you just wait and see" Joseph threatened. "Joe! That's enough. Please just go home" I snapped. Joseph glared at Daniel before grabbing his bag and leaving, the door slammed behind him. Daniel came up to me with a smile and kissed me passionately. "He's a looney, we should forget about him." 

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't think he would be so cruel to you" I ran my hands through his hair.

"It's okay, I had a feeling he'd do something to me..." 

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