Chapter 19- Past Memories

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Hi so, ignore the horrible chapter, I'm trying to be active so I just posted this.


"Look at this guys!" Dave exclaimed, pulling out a lighter.

I heard Vincent laugh as he turned it on. I couldn't help but think, are they crazy?

"I dare you to throw it into the tree while it's lit." Vincent said, laughing.

Dave raised an eyebrow but laughed, "Are you sure?"

"What, is it too scary for you?" Vincent teased.

Dave sighed, "Fine, I'll do it."

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" Darryl asked.

I realized he'd been quiet this whole time. He's probably figuring out how to stop them right now. He's the sensible one, I trust him to do the right thing.

"Seriously Darryl, what happened to you saying you were brave?" Vincent asked, crossing his arms.

"I am brave!" He exclaimed.

"Okay then prove it." Dave replied.

"Fine, do it, see if I care." Darryl said.

My eyes widened, they can't be serious. This must be a troll, there's no way they forgot what happened.

"Guys, I don't think this is a good idea." I said.

"Don't be such a baby." Dave replied, moving his arm back, ready to throw it.

"Dave, stop!" I yelled.

I wanted to run up to him and stop him, but Vincent grabbed me, "Have some fun for once."

"Dave you better stop right now." I said, my voice shaking, "I'm being serious."

I felt tears form in my eyes as I watched him.

How could they do this in front of me?

Did they seriously forget?

What great friends they are.

"It's just a joke." He replied, lighting the lighter.

"Please stop, you're scaring me!" I yelled, feeling tears slide down my face.

I collapsed onto the ground, shaking as I looked at Dave. He put out the flame and ran over to me.

"What's wrong?" Darryl asked me.

"You guys are the most fucked up people I've ever met!" I yelled.

"Why are you so upset about this?" Vincent asked.

They seriously forgot.

My whole family died in a fucking fire.

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