Chapter 7- The Comment

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I woke up to a sudden noise coming from outside of my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, grabbing my phone. I checked the time and saw that it was 11 am.

Wait I have school today.

Did my family sleep in too?

I stood up and stumbled out of my room. I peeked into my sisters room and saw that she was still sleeping, same with my parents.

Maybe school was canceled?

I walked over to my parents bed and shook my mom lightly.

"Mom, wake up." I whispered, trying to get her attention.

After a few failed attempts of waking her, I tried my dad.

No response.

I began to get panicked as I ran to my sisters room. I grabbed her arm and shook her, seeing if she would wake up.

"Come on, wake up!" I exclaimed.

I stepped back from her bed and went back into my room. I snatched my phone off my night stand and went onto Twitter.

I looked for any recent posts from anyone. I scrolled through all the posts, most recent being 4 hours ago. Until I stopped suddenly at one post.

@TechnoNoob 3 minutes ago
Is anyone else awake?
[3 replies]

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