the rover

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"So what exactly is this band that you are wanting us to meet today?" I asked as I pulled a cigarette out of my purse and lit it up. "Led Zeppelin! They're a new rock band and my brother told me all about them. He even said that he was able to meet the band," my best friend, Jaqueline told me in an eager tone.

Jaqueline was taking me to a Led Zeppelin concert for some reason. I guess maybe because she brought backstage passes and has the possibility of meeting the band. She has mentioned this band before, but I never found any interest in getting to know them. Jaqueline knows that I don't have interest, but that doesn't mean that she won't stop ranting about them. She talks about them almost all the time and attempts to convert me into their fanbase. I will admit, maybe her ranting is getting a little bit interested in them but in all honesty, I don't care for them and I will never become a fan.

At least that's what I thought.

We went to the concert and watched them perform. They started with Communication Breakdown and I will admit, the song was pretty catchy. I could kind of understand why Jaqueline loved them that much. The song ended and they sang a few more until the concert was finally over. I was amazed by the show they just gave us when it was finally over and Jaqueline noticed. "They're amazing, aren't they?" she said as she took a drag of a cigarette. "They're better than anything I've ever heard before," I said, still awestruck by the whole concert. "Come on, let's go meet them backstage," she said as she pulled my arm. We went running backstage, knocking over a few groupies who were trying to look for the guys. We finally found Robert and Jimmy close to the water fountains, drinking beers, as they talked to a few groupies who surrounded them.

"They seem to be busy," I whispered to Jaqueline. "I know. I'll find a way to distract them," she winked at me and ran to Jimmy and hugged him from behind. I laughed in amusement and walked towards them. "I'm a huge fan of yours! My brother even got to meet you guys!" she said happily as the groupies who were surrounding them rolled their eyes in annoyance and left. "Meet my friend, Heather," she said as she introduced me to Robert and Jimmy. "Hello," I awkwardly said, not knowing what to do or say. Robert put his hand out for me to shake so I shook it. "Nice to meet you," he said as he smiled. I didn't know why but I felt something when he spoke to me. He had blonde curly hair that I would love to touch and tangle my fingers in. His singing and speaking voice were both so dreamy and I would love to listen to him all day. I blushed as these thoughts came to mind and shook my head, trying to forget what i was thinking about because I didn't want to gain a crush on this guy.

"Come on, Heather! We're gonna go take some shots with Jimmy!" Jaqueline said, snapping me out of my daydreams. Robert, Jimmy, Jaqueline, and I made our way out of the backstage area and got inside Robert's car. He drove us to some bar that wasn't much far. "So, what do you think of Robert and Jimmy?" Jaqueline whispered into my ear as we were driving on the road. "They seem great, but what about the other members?" I asked. "Oh, Bonzo and Jonesy? I don't know where they were but they don't hang out with groupies as much as Robert and Jimmy do. Bonzo gets groupies too but Jonesy doesn't," she said. "Are we ever going to meet them?" I asked. "Probably someday. If we become close with Robert and Jimmy, we might get to meet them too." I nodded and looked out the window as we still drove on the road.

This was sure to be an experience.

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now