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6 years passed by quickly but a lot happened during these years. Jaqueline got a new girlfriend and the two of them were engaged. Everytime I hung out with them, I could tell they loved each other and they'd always get very lovey dovey with each other. I was happy for her but jealous because I wish my relationship with Robert was sweet like that. Instead, Robert and I's relationship has gotten worse throughout the years. Jimmy kept constantly making moves on me in front of Robert and I could tell that Robert was trusting me less. My drug and drinking addiction got worse and I wouldn't stop even after I was told to. This caused Robert and I to argue a lot and our relationship was going downhill after all that. Of course the two of us are still together but the possibility of us breaking up was increasing.

We were currently on vacation in a city in California that was close to the beach. It wasn't just Robert and I, it was also Jaqueline, Jimmy, Jonesy, and Bonzo. We decided to go on a peaceful vacation due to how hard the band has been working on their upcoming album, Physical Graffiti. They all worked really hard on it and deserved a vacation which is why we are here. 

I was in my room alone as Robert and the others played outside in the beach. Like always, I was doing some kinda of drug. Right now I was doing heroin while sitting on top of the bed. The door was open and Jaqueline walked inside. "Heather, why aren't you at the beach with everyone else?" she asked as she sat on my bed. "Not in the mood for the beach right now," I said. "Why are you doing heroin, again? You know that it's bad for you yet you decide to do it?" she said as she pulled the needle away from my arm. "Oh my god, you sound just like Robert right now! I don't care if heroin is bad for me, I can do it if I want to," I said feeling annoyed inside. "I just want what's good for you, and Robert is right. Your drug and drinking addiction is bad and I think you need to stop before it gets worse and you overdose!" she said to me. "Why do you care?" I said angrily. "I care because I'm your friend and I am concerned about your health!" she said. "Ok, whatever," I rolled my eyes and grabbed a container of pills but she snatched the container from me before I could take any pills out. 

"Jaqueline, stop! Give it back to me!" I exclaimed as I tried to grab the container but she threw it across the room. "No, I need to get you to stop before it gets worse!" she said. "You're being a bitch right now. Just like Robert. Both of you are so fucking controlling!" I screamed at her and ran outside the room. I was sick of everyone at this moment and I didn't know who to turn to. The two people I cared about most were being controlling and annoying with their dumb bullshit. 

As I ran into the hallway, I bumped into Robert. "Oh hey, Robert," I said bitterly and walked past him. He grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking out the door. "Why don't you hang out with us?" he said as he pulled me into a hug. "Because I want to be by myself," I said as I pushed him away and walked out the door before he could stop me again.  All I wanted to do right now was be by myself and away from the two people that were irritating me. 

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now