boogie with stu

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It was once morning time again. I went to sleep in a bad mood last night due to to Robert's dumb behavior. I needed to have a talk with him and do something before our relationship gets worse. Robert was still asleep so I tapped him lightly on the shoulder to see if he would wake up. He woke up a few minutes later as a groan came out of his mouth. "Robert, we need to have a serious talk," I said. "What do you want? I barely woke up," he said in a tired voice. "I know but we need to talk about our relationship. It's becoming toxic, all we do is argue, and I found out that you cheated on me with Jaqueline-" I started but he cut me off with, "Because you cheated on me with Jimmy!" I huffed angrily at him. "It wasn't my idea! It was his and you were pissing me off that day! Now it was your idea to fuck Jaqueline and she's my best friend who is a fucking lesbian!" I screamed. "You are so impossible," he said and got out of bed.

"Robert, we do need a break from our relationship. A break where we can be free and date anyone we want to date and do everything we want to. Maybe like a month long break. We need to sort things out before it gets worse," I said as I took a deep breath. "Yea, maybe we do," was all he said. "No seriously Robert, I need a definitite answer now. Is that a yes or a no?" I said. "I have to say yes," he said refusing to look at me. "Well, our break should start now," I said. "Yea, goodbye," he said as if we were never going to see each other again. "Bye," I said and walked out the door.

I went to Jimmy's and told him that Robert and I were on a break. He seemed pretty eager about it and we spent the whole evening together. In fact, I moved in with him for a few days and we started acting like an actual couple, of course he kept sleeping with other groupies but it didn't matter since we weren't actually dating. I did feel honored to be his favorite out of all his girls. Robert and I haven't talked and I could tell he wasn't happy with us being together. "Why are you always with Jimmy now?" he said to me one time. "Why do you care? Don't boss me around," I snapped back at him. I still remember how angry he was at me that day and I felt like our break was never going to end.

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now