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Weeks passed by quickly but many things happened. I've been getting addicted to alcohol and drugs lately. In fact I crave both so much that I spend at least one hour of my day at Jimmy's just so we could high together. Not only was that happening but Robert invited me to move in with him and of course I accepted it. Now the two of us lived together which was a good and bad thing. It was good because I was able to spend most of my days with him by my side but it was bad because I had less freedom to drink and do drugs. Of course that didn't stop me from doing drugs because I was way to addicted to quit.

"I have to go to work, Robert," I said as I put my jacket and grabbed my purse. "That soon? The band and I don't have rehearsal today and I was planning on spending the whole day with you," he complained. "I'm sorry. I'll be back tonight though," I said as I tried to lighten up the mood a bit. "Alright. I look forward to tonight because I'll have a little suprise for you when you come home," he said, walking me to the front door and leaving a kiss on my cheek. "Ooooh, whats the surprise?" I asked. "It's a surprise. I won't tell," he winked at me and gave me a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. "I'll see you later!" I waved at him and left. I felt bad for lying because I actually wasn't going to work today. I was going to Jimmy's to smoke some weed and take a few shots of whiskey like I do almost everyday.  I drove over to Jimmy's and he greeted me like always and handed me the blunt so I could smoke and get high off of it. 

An hour later the both of us were lying on the floor. My eyes felt red and my mouth was dry. We were in silence for a long time until Jimmy said, "So how are you and Robert doing?" "We're doing great," was all that I could say. "Great? Just great? Are you sure there isn't anyone else involved?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure. I doubt Robert would cheat on me for a groupie," I said. "Are you sure he's happy with you drinking and doing drugs?" he said. "I don't know. We never talk about it," I said. "Hmm ok," was all Jimmy said as he stood up from the ground and took out a bottle of wine. "I think I should leave now. Robert said he was going to have a surprise for me when I get home tonight," I stood up from the floor and grabbed my stuff. "Ok. What time should we meet tomorrow?" he asked. "I don't know. I'll call you," I said as I walked out and recieved no reply from him. 


"I bought a present for you!" Robert said as he handed me a big pink bag. "Oooo, a present?" I said as I recieved the bag from him and smiled. "Mhm. Open it," he said as he pulled out a camera and watched me open the bag. I pulled out a blue sweater made out of cashmere. I was surprised that he would buy me something as expensive as this considering the fact that he's never bought me anything expensive in the past. "Oh my god, Robert. I love it!" I said as my eyes filled with tears of happiness and I hugged him tighly. "I love you and I knew it was time that I finally buy you something special," he said as he kissed me. "Put it on. I'd like to see how it looks on you," he said pullling away from me. I took my jacket off and put the sweater on and looked in front of the mirror. "You look gorgeous, darling," he said as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love this so much, Robert. I don't deserve it," I said as I admired my sweater. "You deserve all the greatest gifts, my love. You should take it off now because I don't want it to get all dirty," he said taking one step away from me. I took the sweater off and hung it somewhere inside my closet and then came out into the bedroom.

He picked me up bridal style and laid me gently on the bed as he got on top of me. I connected my lips with his and kissed him softly at first but the kiss got rougher each second. I added my tongue into the kiss and swirled it with his. His hands made his down to my waist as he slowly pulled my shirt off. I helped him take it off while my lips were still connected with his. His fingers made his way to my back and he quickly unclipped my bra and took it off. He was only wearing an opened sweater without a shirt so I took the sweater off of him and threw it somewhere else. We took each others jeans off and were left in our underwear.

He pulled away from the kiss and left mutliple kisses from my jawline down to my breasts. I pulled on his hair gently as a soft moan escaped my lips. I felt his tongue run all over my nipple and his fingers slide inside my underwear. He pushed a finger inside my clit and circled it around that area, receiving a moan from me. He looked up at me and smirked at my reaction and pulled his fingers out of me. "Why'd you stop?" I softly whispered. He shrugged and yanked my underwear off of me. He took his boxers off and slowly positioned himself at my entrance as he grinded his hips against mine. He thrusted himself inside of me slowly and picked up pace. I kissed his neck and slowly started biting down on it, leaving love bites all over his smooth skin. He licked my lips a few times with his tongue and roughly kissed me again.I  felt him twitch inside of me and he whispered, "I'm gonna cum," into my ear. I moaned as a reply and he pulled out and came all over my stomach. 

He got off of me and lied next to me as he scooped up his cum with his finger and put it in my mouth. I licked it all off with my tongue and bit down on his finger. "Bad girl," he smirked as he took his finger out of my mouth. "I know I am," I winked and laid my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeart. "That's why I love you," he said as he started stroking my hair. I gave his skin a quick kiss and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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