night flight

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It was late at night and I was at the airport with Robert. I was going on a small vacation for the weekend in order to distract myself from my thoughts. Robert and I haven't been on good terms lately and I needed a break from him. He didn't know about my affair with Jimmy yet and I always had the fear that he would suspect that the two of us had fucked.  We were walking through the airport and I left my suitcases at the suitcase station. Now it was time for me to wait for the plane to arrive. Robert didn't seem to want to leave my side the whole time because he made sure to stay as close to me as possible. "I'll miss you, Heather baby," he said as we arrived to the boarding station and pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you too," I said as I hugged him back and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Promise me you'll call everyday," he said as he pulled away from the hug. "I'll try the best I can," I said. I already left my suitcase at the baggage station and plane wasnt boarding until 30 minutes later.

"Well I must head home now, darling. Bye," he said as he left and waved. I waved back and took a deep breathe, waiting for the plane to arrive. It finally did and I boarded it and went on a self vacation to the states. The next few days passed by, most uneventful but relaxing. I called Robert almost every evening but it was always some type of short conversation.

This time I didn't call earlier because I was busy taking a shower and forgot all about him. When I remembered, I looked at the clock and realized I was 1 hour late. Fuck, I muttered and quickly got dressed and picked up the phone to dial him. Our relationship was already bad enough and I didn't need him to get pissed over this. I prayed that he wouldn't be too mad and he picked up. "Hey, Heather. You called late tonight," he said through the phone. I could tell my the sound of his voice that he was disappointed. "I'm sorry, Robert. I was busy and wasn't able to call until now," I sighed into the phone. "You're not with another guy, right?" he asked. "No, of course not," I said. It was true, I haven't been with any other guys except for that one time with Jimmy but that was only once. I wasn't constantly cheating on Robert. However Robert could problably tell how uncertain I sounded when I responded because he said, "I have to go" in a disappointed tone. I hung up and sighed. 

I wasn't even sure if I loved Robert anymore. Everytime I think of him, I think about how he's controlling he's been with my addictions. Besides, he was concerned about me being with another guy but what about him? Was he with another girl too behind my back and trying to look all innocent? Many thoughts rushed my head and I soon had a headache from thinking. I will soon find out once I return back to England in 2 days. 

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now