houses of the holy

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a few weeks later

"Heather, I present to you, my house!" he said as he opened the door and revealed what was inside. His house was beautifully decorated, everything was organized and the whole view was breathtaking. "Wow," was all I could say as I looked around in awe. "All of us are holy in this house," he chuckled. I didn't reply since I was still amazed by the inside of the house. "Do you live here all by yourself?" I asked as I sat down on the big couch he had. "Yes. It's been getting quite lonely here in this big house by myself though," he said sitting down next to me. "Wow," I said again and took out a cigarette and lit it up.

Robert and I have been talking a lot lately and we were becoming really close. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Jaqueline only hung out for a few days but then they became distant with each other. "Jimmy is ok but he isn't my type. Besides, I prefer girls more," was something I remembered Jaqueline telling me last week. When I told her about me and Robert, she started coming to conclusions and saying that we would make a cute couple. It was a wonderful thought of us being a couple but I didn't see it happening. Robert is a famous rockstar, I'm just a friend, so i don't think he would be interested in me. But that didn't stop me from crushing on him.

"Heather, I have something to ask you," Robert suddenly said. I was afraid of what he was going to ask, I'm not sure why but I was. "Anything, Robert," I said. "Well you see, these past few weeks I've been feeling something inside of me. I've been enjoying every moment that we spend together and I would like to ask you to be my girlfriend," he took a deep breath and said. I was shocked by his words and had no idea what to say. I had feelings for him and I was surprised that he'd have the same feelings for me. I wasn't even sure if this was actually happening. What if it was only a dream? Many things came to mind as I nervously said, "Y-yes." He smiled brightly at my answer and gave me kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you said yes, I was afraid of rejection," he told me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I'm glad you asked. I was feeling myself getting attracted to you for the last few weeks but I didn't want to admit it because I felt like you didn't like me in that way," I said as I leaned closer towards his face. "Well, I don't like you because I love you," he said as he connected his lips on mine and kissed me passionately.


"Everyone, meet my new girlfriend, Heather!" Robert said as he introduced me to his band. Jimmy didn't know me well since we only hung out that one time with Robert and Jaqueline. The others are the ones I've never met before. John Paul Jones and John Bonham, or as everyone else calls them, Jonesy and Bonzo, waved at me and shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Jonesy smiled at me and picked up his bass. "Robert has told us a lot about you!" Bonzo said. "Wow, I hope he told you how awesome I am," I joked as I hairflipped and we all laughed.

"Last time I saw you, you weren't that hot," Jimmy winked as he walked towards me. "Back off of her, JimJam. She's mine!" Robert said as he playfully pushed him away from me. "Robert, just let him be! I think he's just trying to be nice," I said as I laughed a bit. "He may be trying to be nice but he could also be trying to steal you from me," Robert said as he wrapped his arm around his waist. "Well, he'll never be able to steal me from you. I'm all yours," I said as I gave him a small kiss. Our small kiss turned into a full make out session in which we had in front of the whole band. I think Jonesy and Bonzo left in the middle but I noticed from the corner of my eye that Jimmy was staring with jealousy.

I pulled away from the make out session and said, "I should be leaving now, Robert. You should be practicing with your band instead of kissing me!" "You are right but I would much rather kiss you," he winked and pulled me into a rough kiss again. I felt uncomfortable in the kiss as I watched Jimmy stare in jealousy from the corner of my eye. Why was he just staring at us like that? There are many other things he could be doing instead of watching us. "Robert, I think I should seriously leave.I'm supposed to be meeting Jaqueline today at the mall," I said as I pulled away from the kiss. "Aww, well you go do what you need to. Don't forget to call me later!" he said as we unwrapped his arms around my waist and set me free. "Bye!" I waved and blew a kiss at him as I walked out the room.

I was making my way towards my car until I heard footsteps behind me. I was certain it was Robert and I was about to say something flirty but I turned around realized it was just Jimmy. "Oh hey Jimmy!" I said as I pulled out my car keys. Instead of saying "hi" back to me, he said, "So... it's you and Robert now, right?" "Yes. I think Robert is a really awesome guy and I love him," I blushed. "Well good luck with him. I hope his groupie addiction doesn't mess up your relationship," he said emotionlessly. "Wait. He has a groupie addiction?" I asked feeling concerned. I didn't want to imagine him with a different groupie everynight. Worst of all, I didn't want to imagine him cheating on me with a groupie. Hopefully Jimmy was just joking but by the tone of his voice, he didn't seem like he was kidding.

"All of us, except Jonesy, have groupie addiction. Different girl every night. It's just our life style," he shrugged. "Well I'll make sure to cure his groupie addiction," I said rolling my eyes. "Is that all you wanted to tell me about?" I asked as I opened my car door slightly. "Oh the real reason i came to talk to you was because I wanted to ask if you'd like to drink some Jack and get high off of some drugs tomorrow," he said. "I'd love to! Is Robert going to be there?" I asked eagerly. "No, Robert doesn't join in because he doesn't like seeing us get overtly drunk or high even though he does it anyways." Jimmy shrugged. "So its just going to be you and me? Is anyone else going to join?" I asked. "Just you and me, no one else," he said as he took a step closer towards me. "I look forward to it then," I smiled as I opened my car door a bit more. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow," Jimmy winked as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

I watched him walk away as I got inside my car. I didn't know how to feel about Robert's "groupie addiction" at all. Seeing how jealous Jimmy was earlier during the make out session, I felt like he was just using that as an excuse to lose interest in him but I couldn't be so sure. Then I thought about how he asked me out for drinks and drugs where it would only be the two of us. I was starting to think more and more about Jimmy and I wondered,

Was Jimmy interested in me?

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now