the wanton song

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I was finally back home in England and Robert was treating me more coldly than he was before. He's been that way since that one phone call from last time and I really don't know why. After that call, I called him again but he didn't answer. He didn't even arrive to airport on the day when I came back so Jaqueline had to come pick me up. When I got home, he didn't even greet me or anything. Instead he gave me the silent treatment and all that made me do was make me feel pissed and angry. To brush my anger off, I took a few pills hoping it would make me forget what an asshole he was being. 

"Why is Robert being an ass now, Jimmy?" I asked as we drank beer. "While you were on your vacation, he found out about our little affair and he got pissed off at you AND me. Then he slept with your best friend. Whats her name? Jack, Jackie, something like that,"  he said. "Hold the fuck up. He slept with Jaqueline?" I said as my jaw dropped. I almost dropped my beer bottle but luckily my grip was strong enough to keep it from falling. "Yes, he did. And careful with the beer, I don't want you to waste any good beer," he joked. "How the fuck did he sleep with Jaqueline? She's a fucking lesbian!" I said confused and irritated as well. "Don't ask me. Ask them about that," Jimmy said and the two of us kept talking.

I saw Jaqueline later that day and all I wanted to do was slam a book into her face for sleeping with my man. "Jaqueline! Why the fuck did you sleep with Robert? You're a fucking lesbian but you decided to sleep with a man and it had to be MY man?" I said angrily towards her and could tell that she was getting frightened. "I'm so sorry, Heather! It wasn't my idea! I didn't want to do it! He was pretty mad that night, and I tried to comfort him. Then he took it far and I just didn't know how to reject him so I went with it. I'm so sorry, Heather. I didn't want to hurt you," she cried and I could tell she felt guilty. "It's fine. I'll let it pass but now I'm extremely pissed at Robert," I muttered angrily. "You two should break up, you know? Your relationship is pretty toxic, and toxic relationships must be broken before it gets worse," she told me. "I can't break up with him! I love him!" I said. "Well if you don't want to break up then you need to take another break from him. Or you could attend couple's therapy. Maybe things will get better afterward," she said. "Maybe that's a good idea. I'll tell him about it tomorrow if even talks to me." 

A few hours later I was back at home with Robert who was still giving me the cold shoulder. "Robert, we need to talk," I said as calmly as possible so he wouldn't lose his patience on me. "What do you even want?" he asked with a cold voice tone. "We need to do something about our relationship! It's falling apart and we need to fix it before it gets worse," I said. "Heather, I'm tired. We can talk about this tomorrow. Goodnight," he turned away from me and went to bed so I followed along. "No, Robert. We need to talk about this now," I said. "I am fucking tired and you don't know the shit I went through today. I need my sleep," he got in bed and drifted to sleep, refusing to listen to me. I gave up and went to sleep too. I'll tell him about it tomorrow if he even agrees to listen. 

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now