sick again

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After our breakup, I became distant with almost everyone except Jimmy. Jaqueline and I talked sometimes but we weren't best friends like we used to. There wasn't any bad blood between us, we just seemed to of drifted apart. People change, friendships change, and we knew our friendship wasn't going to last a lifetime. I was never very close with Bonzo or Jonesy but I did talk to them a few times. Jimmy was the only one who I remained pretty close with.

Over the past 10 years, a lot happened. Led Zeppelin started drifting apart throughout the late 70s and broke up a few months after the death of Bonzo. His death was pretty devastating to me even though I wasn't that close to him. I remember Jimmy was devasted that whole week and I had to be there to comfort him. I've seen Robert a few times on TV but he wasn't all around the world in the news and magazines like he used to be. Jimmy and I started dating in 1979 and we got married a few months later. Now I was his wife and we lived together without having any children. And Jonesy, well he disappeared from public view and I haven't seen him on the media ever since. I do know that Jaqueline got married to her fiancee and I had met up with them a couple of times. Other than that, these past years weren't as eventful as the ones where I was still with Robert.

When Jimmy and I became official, I didn't feel the same way about him like I felt about Robert. Of course I denied those feelings and acted like I did love him but do i really? Even though he was my husband, he seemed more like a best friend than a significant other. 

"Jimmy, have you seen Robert recently?" I suddenly said. "Yes, I have. Why do you want to know?" Jimmy said coldly. The tone of his voice made it clear that he he wasn't happy with my question or me mentioning Robert. "I want to talk to him. I miss him," I said. "Stop thinking about Robert. He's your fucking ex!" Jimmy said and I could tell that he was a bit pissed. "Well, I love Robert. I loved him and I still do in a sort of way. All I want to do is talk to him!" I said angrily. "You're not talking to him ever again. I'm your husband, darling. Think about me!" he said. "Whatever, I'm going to leave and look for him myself!" I said as I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen as Jimmy followed along. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked. "I'm going to look for Robert and find him the hard way if you're not going to help," I said. "God damn it, Heather. He's going to hurt you!"

The TV was still on in the living room and we weren't paying attention to it until the news reporter mentioned the name Robert Plant. "Oh my god, Robert is on TV!" I said as I ran to the living room. 

"We are sad to announce the dreadful news that happened to Robert Plant today. He got in an accident and died."

"Robert Plant is dead. May he rest in peace."

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