in my time of dying

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We were at a small table at the bar. Jaqueline was talking to Robert and Jimmy about how she's a huge fan and things like that as I quietly listened. The conversation between the three of them finally stopped when the waiter arrived to our table. "What would you guys like for tonight?" the waiter asked. "1 bottle of Jack Daniels, please!" Jimmy said as the waiter nodded and wrote something on his notebook. "I think all of us should have some Jack Daniels so make that 4 bottles," Jaqueline spoke up. "4 Jack Daniels coming up," the waiter said as he left our table and moved onto another one. I bit my bottom lip as they continued their conversation.

The waiter came a few minutes later with everyones Jack Daniels and placed them on the table. "Thank you!" everyone else said as they opened their bottles. I had never drank anything before in my life so I didn't open mine as fast as everyone else did. I was afraid of getting drunk so I always avoided alcoholic drinks. Jaqueline noticed that I wasn't drinking anything. "Heather, what's wrong? You haven't said anything and you aren't drinking your whiskey either." "First of all I don't know what to say to you guys and I've also never drank anything in my life before," I said defensively but quickly realized how rude I sounded. I hoped the others didn't notice. "You've smoked before and done drugs before, right?" Jimmy asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Yes," I said. "Drinking is like smoking and doing drugs but way better!" Robert said as he took shot of whiskey. "You should definetely try it, Heather. I think you'll like it," Jaqueline said. "Alright," I said as I opened the bottle and brought it close to my lips. 

I took a sip out of it and drank it. I took a few more sips until I literally chugged the whole bottle and was finished with it. I don't know what led me to do that but there was something in that drink that made me want more. The others didn't notice though and they were still busy in their conversation. Robert randomly stopped talking to them and focused his attention on me. "Would you like to go outside and talk for a bit? You haven't said anything all evening and I want to get to know you better," he said. "Of course," I said as I placed the empty Jack Daniels bottle down on the table and stood up. Jaqueline and Jimmy were still in their conversation and didn't seem to notice that we were going to leave.

Robert took my hand and walked me outside the bar where we could be by ourselves. I felt awkward going outside with a guy I barely met. There was something about him that made me feel attracted to him. Was it his appearance? His voice? His personality? Some trait he has? I wasn't sure. Afterall I was flattered that he wanted to take me outside since I was getting bored at the bar. 

"Would you like a cigarette?" he offered as he took his cigarette box out of his bag along with a lighter. "Of course," I replied as I took the cigarette between my fingers. He lit my cigarette up and I took a drag out of it. "So what are your opinions on our band?" he asked me as he blew a puff of smoke. "I think your band is amazing. Jaqueline told me all about you guys which is why she dragged me along to come to your concert. I think the song, Communication Breakdown is pretty catchy," I said. "Your opinions on Jimmy?" he raised an eyebrow. "He's a great guitarist," I said. "How about your opinions on me?" he said as he took my hand. My heart began to beat quickly and my throat dried up rapidly. "You're a great vocalist..." I creaked out and cringed at the sound of my voice cracking. I wasn't going to tell him that I was attracted to him. I barely even knew him! But I noticed that he wasn't satisfied by answer. "Thats all you think about me? Just a great vocalist?" he asked. I nodded and took another drag.

Right when he was about to say something, a voice said, "Where were you guys? We've been looking for you for the past hour?" Jimmy said as he arrived with Jaqueline. "Oh, Heather and I were just talking. I decided to get to know her better," Robert said as he stood up and carelessly threw his cigarette onto the ground. "Trying to get yourself a bird, eh?" Jimmy smirked. "Shut up," Robert chuckled and playfully slapped him. "We should head home now, Jim," Jaqueline said as she stood next to me. "Alright, lets head to the car," Jimmy said as he pulled out his car keys and headed to the car as we followed him. "I call shotgun!" Jacqueline exclaimed and winked at me. "You just want to be with Jimmy, right?" I whispered into her ear. "Obviously," she laughed and we got inside the car and went on our ride home.

Robert and I sat next to each other for the car ride and he used this time to talk to me. Our conversation wasn't akwkward like the previous one we had. I was starting to like him more and then I realized

I was falling for someone I barely met today

𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒊 [ 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕 ]Where stories live. Discover now