Chapter 2

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In 2017 in the imperial calendar, a young man named Lelouch Lamperouge won the chess game against an ego. After playing a chess game, he and his friend, Rivalz, are going outside the building. Rivalz said to him.

Rivalz: I love playing against the nobility!

When they lose they always payout of pride.

By the way, 8 minutes 32 seconds is a new record!

Lelouch: He also didn't have much time to move, either. And as opponents go, the nobles are tepid. They're just over privileged parasites, that's all.

Rivalz: Well then, why don't you challenge one of the Elevens? They're nothing like us Britannians...

They both heard people talking about Elevens nearby as they saw the screen of the building smoking out.

Man: What are they trying to prove by killing innocent people?

Woman: Those Elevens terrify me!

Then, the TV just said to everyone.

TV: We apologize for the delay. Now His Royal Highness Prince Clovis, third prince of Britannia, will address the nation.

The screen shows the third prince of the britannian imperial family named Clovis la Britannia. Lelouch seeing his half-brother on the screen makes him disgusted because of how arrogant he is, and puts oppression on the Japanese like they're nothing but trash. Clovis just said to his people.

Clovis: To all my imperial subjects! Including of course the many cooperative Elevens who choose to serve the empire of Britannia!


Somewhere on the highway, a Japanese girl is watching Clovis on the screen as she's not happy to hear her people calling by numbers.

???: We're not Elevens! We're Japanese!


Clovis: Do you not see my pain? My heart was ripped from my chest only to be torn apart! The remnants are filled with rage and sadness! However, as ruler of Area 11, I will not tolerate terrorism of any kind! Because the battle we fight is a righteous one, a virtuous battle to protect the well-being of one and all! Now then, everyone! I would like you to join me in observance of the eight who died for justice, in the line of duty.

After that, Rivalz went on the motorcycle as he put on the helmet and goggles so he said to his friend.

Rivalz: Well, aren't you gonna join in?

Lelouch: Aren't you?

Rivalz: Heh... It's sort of embarrassing.

Lelouch: And I agree with you. Besides, spilling tears over those people won't bring them back to life now, will it?

Rivalz: Dang! That's dark, buddy.

Lelouch: It's all about self-satisfaction.

Doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't do it. There's no way you can change the world.


Meanwhile, a wormhole opens as 3 GSIs and 4 Kodiaks go, and a wormhole just disappears.

Henry Jefferson and his crew feel the shaking has stopped. Henry stands up on his feet and sees that everyone is okay. He said to the AI.

Henry: EVA, status report?

EVA: The ship is stable. No damage to the engine.

Henry: Casualties?

EVA: Negative. There are no casualties on this ship.

He is relieved to hear that. Then he said to EVA again.

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