Chapter 19

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Since after the United Global Alliance was established, Zero identity revealing to the world, and new colonized independent nation of CGSE, the world has changed for that time. Senba leaves the Black Knights to help Gen. Katase to rebuild the military and building the army for the next incoming Britannia invasion. The Black Knights become an independent organization to maintain peace for Japan and the world when they needed them and it was owned by Lelouch vi Britannia. With the help of Rakshata, working together with Llyod, they building a flying aerial cruiser for the Black Knights called Ikaruga.

The GDI that occupy Narita have set free and left Japan except Hokkaido to provide protection security with a permission from Prime Minister Ohgi

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The GDI that occupy Narita have set free and left Japan except Hokkaido to provide protection security with a permission from Prime Minister Ohgi. The Kyoto house have finally get their company back with full power of Japan and they continue gathering minerals for economy. The Ashford Academy was still a same as both Japanese and Britannian continue their schoolwork although they have to change the rules to strictly not allowed racism and discrimination in the school and provide security for protection. As for refugees rescued by GDI, they shipped back to Japan to live their reborn nation. The GDI helps them to reconstruct the ghettos for both homes and businesses. Chigusa aka Villeta Nu return to Japan from shelter, however, her memory return to normal self and see what happened to Area 11. At first, she attack both GDI and Japanese security team but Ohgi stopped her and explain everything to understand it. After the explanation, she was calmed down and then she had admit that she do love him even she has amnesia to fall in love with Eleven. Unfortunately, she had no memory of who's a shooter responsible of it. She stand his side until the end. Kaguya Sumeragi become a chairwoman of USJ, but later on, she'll join the Black Knights only to make Zero/Lelouch vi Britannian become her future husband.

Meanwhile in Euro-Britannia occupied Russia, the GDI forces under command of Admiral Alexei Bazarov engage the battle through the north to liberate Russia, and Alter-Russian militia force joins them as well to reclaim their homeland from Euro-Britannia. They able to take over some of the regions. Euro-Britannia have suffered losses of soldiers fighting against stronger army of GDI.

When broadcast was announced on live around the world, most of the Areas have rebelled inspired for Black Knights and UGA to take back their countries from Britannia oppression. Half of Areas have retaken their nations while some failed but they make resistance force to continue on the fight until they get their freedom back.

Heretic of Nod were remain hidden thanks to stealth technology to hide themselves from the world, especially GDI and CGSE.

The Australia Commonwealth economy grows larger as they possess the technology from GDI they provide it and to increase the economy. The Alter-Australians are happy to GDI to give them amazing technology they never invented before. They also have access the industry to gather more sakuradite for other purposes rather than war effort.

Henry returns to his new floating island as he became a colonial president of CGSE. The Tiber-Humans are happy to live in their new homes and they get a lot of jobs to support the colonized nation. Viktor become a general of GDI army, Jack Allen become a general of GDI air force, and Alexei become an admiral of GDI navy. Euphemia joins the GDI council member in time being before becoming new ruler of New Britannia. She will work as a chairwoman for political diplomatic to bring peace solution while Suzaku was still be her side. When they are not working, they went outside often to visit replica state of London and hang out together. What they didn't know is they both have feelings each other. Henry has ordered to sent all troops across the globe to liberate every country from Holy Britannian Empire.

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