Chapter 9

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Viktor: Sir! We have launched several ion laser satellite into the atmosphere to control both Kodiak Mk.II and command uplink to use for firing the weapon wisely. We also finish constructing the ion cannon into the atmosphere and we built ion cannon center.

Jack: Which means we have superweapon against Holy Britannia Empire. Those guys Britans won't have superweapon to stop us.

Harrel: Um, excuse me? 'Britans'? You called my people nickname 'Britans'. That sound insulted.

Jack: Oh, come on. Everyone has nicknames. For example, they called my people Brits. German nickname is Krauts. Japanese nickname is Japs. And American nickname is Yankee. It make sound short name of the people.

Harrel: *Sigh* Fine. For a first time someone called my people's nickname in this world.

Henry: Aside of the joke, we have so much work to do.

Harrel: Right. Anyway, the supreme commander is right. We have much work to do. Um, what is it anyway?

Henry: First, we'll deploy ground troops in Area 18. Free the country from britannian occupiers and they will see us as ally. Second, we have received word that JLF is in Narita where Princess Cornelia is leading the attack. Meanwhile, Princess Euphemia is there too except she won't fight since she has no experience of fighting skills or handling the knightmare or whatsoever, and she is staying at G-1 base. We capture Euphemia and Cornelia will losing the battle and save JLF from destruction.

Viktor: What about the city?

Henry: The both ground and air forces will occupy it and declare as part of our territory. There's a research lab there so we will capture it and knowing what are they working on.

Harrel: Well, I wasn't part of that research lab so I was curious of what it is. But what about Black Knights? Will they appear as well?

Henry: We have not sure yet. But according for them, Zero have an idea to capture Cornelia by any means necessary.

Jack: Hmm... Are there more?

Henry: Actually, I do.

He turns on the holographic screen to show them a vehicle.

He turns on the holographic screen to show them a vehicle

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Henry: Dr. Harrel, I'm assuring to know what vehicle is that?

Harrel: That might be dispatch trailer. It was used as transport vehicle to carrying knightmare frame inside and deployed when needed for the battlefield. It was used for manufacturers and operators only.

Henry: Hmm... EVA, can you give me the list of who are part of Battle of Narita?

EVA: Standby... Three people in the vehicle are Dr. Lloyod Aspund, Cecile Croomy, and Suzaki Kururugi.

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