Chapter 11

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Admiral Alexei have finished building each bases in Tuva, Aitai, and Buryatia. They liberate each regions and defeated britannians. The Alter-Russians praised them for liberating their regions from Euro-Britannian. Each time Alexei sent his forces to destroy euro-britannian bases, they liberate Zabaykalsk, Amur, Khabarovsk, Jewish AO, Primosky, and Sakhalin. The Alter-Russians are started to recruit into GDI to fight for freedom against britannia occupiers. Euro-Britannian didn't know what's going on because GDI have cut off the communication and the runners were eliminated by GDI forces.

On kodiak MKII, Alexei look at the window as his army grew larger and larger because of him liberate the regions making Alter-Russian to join his cause. He blow out the smoke from his mouth after taking a cigarette. His officer came behind him.

GDI officer: Sir, the Alter-Russian recruits have grow larger numbers.

Alexei: Good, good, my comrade. The Alter-Russia will be free from cursed Euro-Britannian. To think they own this land, but it belongs to the motherland. It reminds me of communist revolution removing the leader and stop going to war against German Empire. But now, this is different. We shall remove a tyrannical regime that has suffered the people of Russia. Comrade, has the defenses already set up around the base?

GDI officer: Yes sir.

Alexei: Then make sure those britannian pricks will learn that the bear has awoken and she's unleashed her fury upon them.

GDI officer: Yes sir.


Henry continues working on the papers about the agent reports. Then, Euphemia enters the room to approach him. She asked him.

Euphemia: Excuse me, Mr. Jefferson. I have been thinking when I was brought here and join your side.

Henry: And what is seem to be problem, your highness?

Euphemia: I'm just thinking that Suzaku Kururugi should be released.

Henry: Release Suzaku Kururugi? I don't know about that, your highness. He serve the britannian and betrayed his own country.

Euphemia: He only did that to change britannian from within the system. I know his people calling him a traitor and you may call him a selfish and idealistic person. But I swear that he is a good person doing what is right to protect people from being killed. So please, give him a chance.

Henry put a finger on his chin to think about releasing Suzaku so he will be his side. After a minute of thinking his decision, he said to her.

Henry: Very well. I'll have him released. Anyone else you want to add?

Euphemia: Yes. Dr. Lloyd and Cecile. They both deserve to be work with me and you.

Henry: I can arrange that. Anything else?

Euphemia: Um... I like to release my sister, Cornelia, and her knight Guilford. I know you don't want her because what you did saw her actions. But I've know her since my childhood. She always cares for me, Nunnally, and even Lelouch. The reason she despise the Japanese is because both my siblings were killed during invasion. She never forgive them for what happened today.

Henry: Hmm... I'll think about that. For now, Releasing these three people will be alright.

Euphemia: Thank you, supreme commander.

Henry: No problem. Speaking of which, I want to show you something.

He turns a holographic screen and show a Zero true identity that was part of the meeting with Kyoto group in MT. Fuji. Euphemia is shocked of who he was.

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