Chapter 14

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West Africa

The britannian set up the base to create a larger army to remove any remains of the EU in Africa for good. They are well-prepared to take down the EU once and for all. But what they didn't know is there's someone come to intervene.

Guinea, West Africa

The Heretic MCV moves in the region and establishes the base. Power plants, Hall of Faith, Operation center, War factory, Airfield, Tech Lab, Secret of Shine, Secret of Nod, and Refinery are constructed. It also establishes defense structures such as Shredder turrets, Viper cannons, SAM turrets, and flame columns to protect their base. They also establish disruptor towers around the area to cloaking the base. 5 Heretic armageddons drop Tiberium seed bombs to spread around the area so the harvesters can collect it. The Heretic build a large army from each structure then they headed towards the britannian base to destroys it.

The britannian base was protected by cannon towers, Sutherlands and fortress walls. The Sutherland spotted a large unknown force headed there right now so he contacts the commander.

Sutherland pilot: Sir! I'm spotted an unidentified force headed this way!

Britannian commander (in-com): Then destroys them! They are just another terrorist.

He said. The Sutherlands and britannian tanks go straight to the enemy for combat. They were headed towards them when suddenly they were being blown up from above the ground.

Sutherland pilot: What the hell?!

He said before his Knightmare was blown up. The responsible of the attack are Heretic underminers shooting artillery shells to the underground and hit them from above.

The cannon towers fire at Heretic forces when Heretic laser bikes and attack bikes destroy the towers using lasers and rockets. They sent more Sutherlands to retaliate it. Heretic zealots came to appear as they shoot laser rifles destroying few advanced Sutherlands.


Britannian commander: What do you say!?

Britannian personnel 1: They wiping out the forces, sir! The numbers are growing larger as we speak.

Britannian commander: Damn it! Call reinforcement. We need more forces to destroy those insolent terrorists.

Britannian personnel 2: We can't! They've cut off the communication.


The britannian infantry forces shoot rocket launchers at Heretic forces when they were introduced to the Heretic tyrant burrow up from the ground.

Britannian soldier 1: What the hell!? They can burrow the ground!

Heretic tyrant shoots a laser at every britannian soldiers using rocket launchers. Three Sutherlands rushed towards the battlefield.

Sutherland pilot: We must fight with our honor and glory! Push them back where they belong!

The Sutherlands were suddenly being attacked by ferocious Heretic rockworm. It tears each Sutherlands with the buzzsaw teeth. A group of Heretic raider buggies shoots down enemy infantry forces. Britannian sents VTOL gunships to take down the enemy forces when they are shot down by Heretic banshees. 4 drill pods sents Heretic centurions, infantry troops, and fanatics as they are advanced against britannian resistance forces. Heretic fanatics run towards them as britannian soldiers in the bunker are gunning them down. Some were killed but most of the fanatics reached the bunker and one of them shouted.

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