Act 1: Scene 2 ("I Love Play Rehearsal")

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(By the end of the song, CASPER has landed outside play practice with GABE. He hesitates, then decides not to go in.)

CASPER: I guess evolutions not for everyone.

GABE: You dont have to do this. Of course, Ill mock you forever if you dont.

(CASPER pumps himself up.)

CASPER: C-c-c-cmon, c-c-c-cmon, go go, c-c-c-cmon, c-c-c-cmon, go—

(He enters... and finds SHAWN.)



CASPER: Is this where you meet for the play?

SHAWN: Nope. This is where you meet for the swim team. (off CASPER) Im joking.

CASPER: Im Casper! I mean...

(He stands there awkwardly for a beat.)

SHAWN: Are you okay?

CASPER: (barely verbal) Hnnh?

SHAWN: You seem nervous.

CASPER: No, I always (realizes this is dumb but commits to saying it anyway) sweat this much.

SHAWN: I get it. Youre a virgin. (off CASPER) First play rehearsal!

CASPER: (realizes) You think Im nervous about play rehearsal!

SHAWN: Why else would you be shaking? A lot?

CASPER: Ha ha ha ha ha— Yeah, totally freaked.

SHAWN: Its okay. Im a little jealous actually. You never forget your first. Play rehearsal. Coming here is the highlight...

CASPER: Of your day?

SHAWN: Yeah, right. (beat, he smiles) Of my life!

I Love Play Rehearsal

I love play rehearsal

Because its the best!

Because it is fun.

I love play rehearsal,

And I get depressed as soon as its done.

But not depressed as in like kill yourself depressed,

No Im not into self-harm,

Dude, I swear, here check my arm.

See, I just use the word to emphasize a point

Show the passion that Ive got,

I am passionate a lot.

I have mad gigantic feelings,

Mad and frantic feelings,

About most everthing.

Like gun control, like spring.

Like if Im living up to all Im meant to be.

I also have a touch of ADD.

Where was I?

Oh, right! I love play rehearsal,

Cause you are equipped with directions and text

Life is easy in rehearsal,

You follow a script, so you know what comes next.

Anywho the point that Im getting to

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