Act 2: Scene 8 ("The Play")

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(The night of the play. SHAWN addresses the audience in a pre-curtain speech.)

SHAWN: Welcome, everybody. Thank you so much for coming to our production of A Midsummer Nightmare About Zombies. Its been a rough week for all of us at Middleborough. Thats why this play is so important -- to bring this school together! To show you something special! I know that if Tim were here, instead of the intensive care unit at Beth Israel, hed say: Go out and show everyone the relevant power of live theatre!

MR. D: (Offstage) (Coughs) Costumes.

SHAWN: Oh And thanks to Hobby Lobby for the costumes.

(Backstage at the play. Everyone getting in and out of costumes.)

SHAWN: Places, everyone! Break a leg!

(FELIX, on crutches with both legs in casts, glares at him.)

FELIX: Not cool.

(He shuffles off as CASPER enters.)

CASPER: Shawn!

SHAWN: Casper! Where have you been? Its so bad. Mr. D made himself your understudy.

CASPER: Isnt he understudying Tim?

SHAWN: Hes both.

CASPER: Oh, god. Look, Ive been thinking about what you said at the party--

SHAWN: I cant do this now

CASPER: But I finally understand! You cant go out with anyone because you dont know who you are yet. Right?

SHAWN: Yeah, but--

CASPER: Well, I get that! And thats awesome, actually, because I felt that way too! I mean, I didnt realize thats what I felt, I thought it was just about being cool. But it was more than that. It was about being confident, and understanding who I am And I couldnt have figured that out on my own!

SHAWN: Youre saying I helped you do that?

CASPER: Not you. This. (He opens his hand and presents him with a Squip.) Its from Japan-- Its a computer-- And it tells you what to do! Youd never have to struggle to figure out what to say, or overanalyze some little gesture, ever again. Youd just know. Like play rehearsal. Only it never has to end.

SHAWN: Casper, that sounds horrible.

CASPER: Yeah! ...What?

SHAWN: Maybe I have stuff to figure out. But I dont need a pill to do it for me.

CASPER: Its not like that! Itll help you to be better--

SHAWN: Whats wrong with me now?

(MR. D enters. Hes squeezed himself into CASPERs costume.)

MR. D: Mr. Canigula! Props has whipped up a fresh beaker of Pucks Pansy Serum. (He hands him a beaker of yellow-green liquid.) Oh Mr. Collins. I suppose youll be wanting your costume back.

SHAWN: I have to go, Casper.

(He exits with the beaker.)

CASPER: Shawn, wait! Shit. Shit! What did I do?

(ALEX appears. She no longer looks fully human. In fact, she looks like CASPERs cyborg costume come to life.)

ALEX: Its okay, Casper. I anticipated his resistance.

CASPER: Then why did you let me say all that stuff?!?

ALEX: So youd see for yourself whats necessary. Not everyone is as open to change as you were. Offering them all a chance would simply delay the result we desire.

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