Act 1: Scene 8 ("A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into")

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(SHAWN at play rehearsal. SKYLAR approaches, flanked by ARIA. DAHLIA OPHINE sits nearby.)

SKYLAR: Is this seat saved?

SHAWN: Oh, yeah—

(SKYLAR sits down anyway.)

SKYLAR: Dahlia Ophine said she saw you at the mall with Felix last night.

SHAWN: Yeah, thats... who its saved for...

ARIA: Dahlia Ophine?

DAHLIA: Im right here.

SKYLAR: Felixs not coming.

SHAWN: Is he sick?

SKYLAR: Hes at Model U.N. Or whatever it is this week. You know Felix. Always jumping from one...extracurricular to another.

SHAWN: I dont know him that well...

SKYLAR: Well, he loves to try new things. He just doesnt always stay with them after he...tries them. If you know what I—

SHAWN: Were just friends.


SHAWN: I know you guys used to date? So, if thats what this is about...

SKYLAR: Oh my god no! Felix and I are totally over!

ARIA: Yeah, hes so gross.

SKYLAR: Hes not gross, Aria. (Beat.) Friends. Im so glad. Because, real talk, I would hate for you to think that the reason Felixs not hes already bored of you. (beat) Bye!

(SKYLAR, ARIA and DAHLIA walk away.)

SKYLAR: Felix better not be inviting him to his Halloween party.

(CASPER enters with ALEX.)

CASPER: Is this seat taken?

SHAWN: I... Dont know.

CASPER: (prompted by his SQUIP) Then how about I sit here 'til whoever shows up?

SHAWN: Sure. (beat) Hey, are you okay?


SHAWN: At the mall yesterday, you were acting really—

ALEX / CASPER: Performance art.

SHAWN: Oh. (beat) Cool.

MR. D: Lets begin, people! Curtains rise on Athens...Georgia. The Center for Disease Control.

DAHLIA: (as Doctor Theseus) Now fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws aspace... Bring me Patient Zero!

(Aria-as-Hermia enters with Skylar-as-Sick-Helena.)

SKYLAR: (as Sick Helena) (flat) Cough.

ARIA: (as Hermia) Doctor, why is her cheek so pale? How chance the roses there fade so fast?

DAHLIA: (as Doctor Theseus) She has been attacked in the wasteland. Some say its fairies. Some say its spirits. Some say its the return of the hostile alien race who visited our fair planet one thousand years ago this midsummer...

(As DAHLIA monologues on, CASPER and SHAWN have a whispered conversation.)

CASPER: So wheres Felix?

SHAWN: How should I know?

CASPER: You guys arent going out?


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