Act 1: Scene 6 Part 3 ("Be More Chill Pt. 2")

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This is the last part of this scene, I swear

Part 3

CASPER: Did you see— That was awesome! I have to find Gabe—

ALEX: Gabe has left the mall.

CASPER: How do you know?

ALEX: I can access the mall security cameras.

CASPER: So how am I supposed to get home?!

ALEX: I told you accepting a ride was imperative. If this is going to work, you cant just listen. You have to obey. Now repeat after me:

Oh, everything about you is so terrible.

CASPER: Everything about me is just terrible.

ALEX: Good!

Whoa, everything about you makes me wanna die.

CASPER: Everything about me makes me wanna die.

ALEX: Now youve got it!

But Casper,

Soon youll see

That if you listen to me

Listen to me

Everything about you is going to be wonderful!

PEOPLE IN THE MALL: We love everything about you!

ALEX: Everything about you is going to be so alive!

PEOPLE IN THE MALL: We could never live without you

ALEX: You wont feel left out or unsure

You wont be ugly anymore


Everything about you is going to be


And powerful



You will-

CASPER: Be more chill! I mean, (cool voice) chill.

ALEX: Be more chill.

ALL: Be more chill. Be more chill. Be more chill. Be more chill.

(When the song ends, CASPERs bed appears, as the MALL PEOPLE gently lay him down on it, and depart one by one. Finally, its just CASPER and ALEX.)

CASPER: (half-asleep, singing badly) Be more chill Im gonna...Be super chill...

(ALEX tucks CASPER into bed. Its very father/son after the ballgame.)

ALEX: Sleep well, slugger. You have a big day tomorrow.

(ALEX disappears...)

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