Act 1: Scene 6 Part 1 ("Be More Chill Pt. 1")

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I had to split this scene into 2 so that I can add two songs. Just work with me here.


(CASPER and GABE in the mall food court. Examining the pill.)

CASPER: I hope youre worth four hundred dollars.

GABE: Four hundred and one. Dont forget the Mountain Dew.

CASPER: If this is whole life could change. (Beat.) We should split it. You helped me get it. We should both benefit, right?

GABE: I dont think it works that way. Besides, I like knowing that when youre cool, youll owe me.

CASPER: All right. Here goes...everything.

(He puts the pill on his tongue, swallows it with the Mountain Dew.)

GABE: How does it taste?

CASPER: Minty.

GABE: How do you feel?

CASPER: Like... (Long pause.) A chump.

GABE: Nothing? At all? Try to say something cool.

CASPER: I think I just blew my bar mitzvah money on a Wintergreen Tic-tac.

GABE: Yeahh... Not cool.

CASPER: Please leave me alone to mourn in my chili fries, forever.


GABE: Five minutes.

CASPER: Where are you going?

GABE: Check it out. Guy in Spencers Gifts is hooking me up with a case of Crystal Pepsi. Its like regular Pepsi. Only clear.

CASPER: Wasnt that discontinued in the 90s?

GABE: Thats what makes it so awesome.

(GABE exits. CASPER looks up to see SHAWN enter with FELIX.)

SHAWN: Shouldnt we wait for the rest of the cast?

FELIX: Yeahh... Were not meeting the rest of the cast. I figured we could get to know each other. Alone. Thats why Im taking you to one of my favorite spots in the universe. Sbarro—

CASPER: Shawn!

SHAWN: Casper! I didnt see you there.

FELIX: Yeah, youre kinda hard to notice. (to SHAWN) The best part, they let you pick whatever you want—

CASPER: Wait! ...Theres something I need to tell you.


CASPER: I... I...

(Suddenly, CASPER seizes up, his head wracked with pain.)


VOICE: Target male: inaccessible.

SHAWN: Casper?

CASPER: OW! What the HELL?!

VOICE: Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort.


SHAWN: Casper, whats wrong?

FELIX: Dude, the freaks freaking out.

VOICE: Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated.

CASPER: No, wait, Im fine, I just—

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