Act 1: Scene 7 ("More Than Survive: Reprise")

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(Suddenly, its morning. CASPER bolts up in bed. Looks around. Did that really just happen? A beat.)

CASPER: Hello? (he taps his head) Are you on? Hellooo???

HYPNOS: (off-stage) Casper? Are you talking to yourself?

CASPER: I... Guess I am. Huh.

(He shrugs...)

(And reaches for his computer.)

CASPER: C-c-c-cmon, c-c-c-cmon, go—

(He reaches for his computer... and gets a shock.)


ALEX: What did we say about masturbation?

CASPER: I was just going to...check my email.

ALEX: You cant lie to me, Casper. Im inside your brain. Were going to devise a system. I tally every time you think about sex, and thats how many push-ups you do. If this morning is an indicative sample, youll have pecs in no time.

(HYPNOS enters.)

HYPNOS: Coming through, private.

ALEX: Thats the source of your genetic material?

CASPER: Thats my dad, yeah.

ALEX: We should double those push-ups.

(CASPER heads out of the house. Hes wearing his new Eminem T-shirt. As in the opening scene, we see him on the bus.)

CASPER: Still not gonna be the cool guy,

But maybe not so left out

Of all the characters at school, I might be the one

Who the storys about.

Now that someones helping me out

(CASPER arrives at school, where he runs into SKYLAR, ARIA, and DAHLIA. To his surprise, they wave. Dazed, CASPER turns, and bumps into—)

TIM: Yo, tall-ass. Wheres my money?

CASPER: (to ALEX) Crap, what do I tell Tim?

ALEX: Up up down down left right A.

(TIM experiences a jolt.)

TIM: You got one!

CASPER: Yeah. Sorry, I meant to go through you but— Dont hit me!

TIM: Casper! This is awesome! I mean, I coulda used the money. Things are kinda rough at home, if you know what Im sayin...

CASPER: (prompted by ALEX) dad...drinks too?

(He looks at ALEX, like: where did THAT come from? TIM grins.)

TIM: Yo, fucking dads, right?! He usually passes out by nine, you should come over, play X-box. You know with a squip, the only controller you your mind?

(He moves on, but CASPER hangs back to talk to his SQUIP.)

CASPER: (to ALEX) What was that about?

ALEX: I synced with his squip. Now his desires are compatible with your own.

CASPER: And that makes him act like were friends?

ALEX: What is friendship but a bond between two people? Now you and Tim have a bond. Its just digital.

Now get ready

To more than survive!

KIDS: Na na na

Na na na

CASPER: More than survive

More than survive

All in all a not-too-heinous day

ENSEMBLE: Hey hey hey

CASPER: I walk the hall with purpose as I swagger along my way

ENSEMBLE: Hey hey hey

CASPER: Feeling crisp and high and clean

I head to drama practice with Shawn.

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