Chapter 20: Movie Date

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I wake up. I start to think about Mockingjay. The Hunger Games is my favorite series and I bet it'll be great.

I open my blinds and look out the window. I look up into the sky. The sun is starting to rise. I daze into the beautiful, stunning colors.

"Carolina?" Troy says.

He breaks me out of my gaze. I let my gaze off the sky and let it fall on Troy.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Are you alright? You seemed to be dazed," He asked concerned.

"I was. . ." I say. I paused. I look at the sky not wanting to loose the peaceful picture.

"I was looking at the sky. It's breath taking," I say.

I point up to direct him to see the beauty. He looks up.

We both look at the sky in comforting peace.

"You know it'll last longer if you take a picture," He said.

"I don't have a camera on my phone," I say embarrassed.

"I'll take it for you," He said.

He takes his phone off of his desk. He pulls his camera up and take a picture. He shows me. It's so pretty.

"What time do you want to see the movie?" He asked.

"I don't care. Maybe at night?" I suggest.

"Sure. Let me look up the times," He replies.

While he looks up the times, I look up but this time there is no beauty. The sky changed from beauty to dust. Clouds have formed. How quick was that? I thought to myself.

"Okay. The times for tonight are seven thirty, nine forty five, or eleven thirty," He says.

"Maybe we should go to seven thirty or nine forty five," I suggest.

"Let's go to seven thirty so then we can hang out after without falling asleep," He said.

"Okay let's do that!" I say happily.

"We can hang out around noon. I have to help my dad fix his car," He said.

"Okay," I reply.

"Okay," He replied.

"The Fault in Our Stars!" We say in unison.

"Woah," We say again in unison.





We said all that together without any stuttering.

We start to laugh.

"I have to go help my dad. I'll see you at noon," He said.

He quickly jumps through my window gives me a peck on the lips and then jumps into his room.

I walk down stairs to get some breakfast. I go through the cabinets to find a breakfast bar. When I find one, I go to the fridge and grab water.

I quickly go upstairs so I can avoid my family. I go pasted Bea's room. She isn't there. I go into her room. I guess she went over to a friends or went to a party.

I see her laptop. I grab it and rush out of the room. I go into my room and lock the door. I open her laptop.

The whole morning I was on her computer. I looked up everything I could think of. I even made a blog! To think that I have creative ideas. Maybe I should write a book!

I hear knocking on my window.

It's Troy.

"Do you want to have a Hunger Games marathon to get ready for the movie?" He asked.

"Is that even a question? I would love to watch them!" I scream.

Troy helps me into his room. This time we don't fall over. We sit on his bed and start to watch it. He had a giant bucket of popcorn already made, so he didn't have to make it. We watch the first one, which is amazing. I love how they have two victors and Katniss finds Peeta. Troy puts on Catching Fire. This one is my favorite.

After the movie, we both are starving. We walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"Where are your parents?" I ask.

"They had to go on a business trip. They will be busy for the next year because the both got promoted," He said sadly.

"That's great that they got promoted! I'll be here to keep you company," I say.

He comes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back. We stay in this position untill Troy's stomach growls.

"Let's eat," He said.

He grabs soup cans out of the cabinet.

"Is soup okay?" He asked.

"Yes that's fine," I reply.

We eat our food in comfortable silence.

"Ready to see the movie? We should get going," He said.

We put on our coats. We have to walk to the movie theater. It isn't that far. We start to walk. Troy takes my hand. We walk and talk about what we want to be in movie.

Once we arrive, we get our tickets and get fruit punch to share. The fruit punch is so good! We sit in the middle of the theater. There isn't that many people there. Once the movie starts, my eyes are glued to the screen.

I cried about the whole movie. Poor Peeta, Katniss really does love him, and I want to kill President Snow myself.

We walk out of the theater. Troy holds me in arms tightly. I feel so safe in his arms. I put my arms around him. We walk in silence but it's not awkward.

Once we get to his house, he doesn't let go of me.

"You know you can let go of me, Troy," I say.

"I know but I'm afraid to let go cause I don't want you to disappear," He replies.

My heart flutters. He is the best boyfriend I could ever imagine.

I pull my head off of his chest. I go on my tip toes and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for," I say.

"I know. You're the best girlfriend I could have," He said.

He leans down and kisses my cheek.

I say goodbye to him and go back into my room.

When I get into my room, Bea is in my room.

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