Chapter 8: Date?

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I wake up. I realize it's school. Why school? I drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom to get a shower. I hadn't realized that I haven't showered all weekend. Ew. I must smell gross.

Hopefully Troy didn't notice my stench....

I don't like Troy. He only moved here two months ago. Woah. Time has flied. This is the longest time I've had a friend. I go into the shower and wash my hair and body. I get out and blow dry my hair. It takes over thirty minutes to dry. I quickly grab ripped skinny jeans and an old tshirt that says "Sleep is always the Answer." It speaks the truth! I put on the old converse and I grab my backpack

I rush down stairs to get breakfast. I want to grab as much food as I can because I can't have dinner. What kind of punishment is that! I laugh to myself at the thought. I go to the kitchen and grab pancakes, bacon, and toast. I rush out the door before my family sees the food. I hide the food inside my backpack. I look up to see Troy looking at me. Why is he always staring at me?

"Are storing food for the winter?" he says. I know he is joking.

"My parents wont let me eat dinner, so I'm storing my food for the hungry nights," I say truthfully.

"Wow. Well how about I take you out to eat tonight?" He said with a smile.

My mind is going crazy. He's asking you out. . .He'll end up asking about Bea. . . Maybe it's true love. . . Are you crazy? Why would someone like you. . .

"Yes! I would love to!" I say happily.

"Great. Do you want a ride to school? My dad is bringing me. Do you want to hop in?" he asked. He is rubbing the back of his neck. Does that mean he's nervous?

"I guess. Thank you so much!" I say.

I follow him to a giant truck. It is gray. He opens the door and goes in the back seat. I sit beside him in the back. His dad is already in the front. He drives really fast.

"Hey dad. Can you take Carolina and me out to eat, later? Like to a pizza place or something?" Troy asked.

His dad looks up from the road and looks at the us.

"Of course I can! I can take you guys to the new pizza place in town," his dad said.

His dad also said something else that I couldn't hear but I guess Troy heard it and started to blush. I wonder what his dad said.

We get to school in less than ten minutes.

"Thank you so much for the ride!" I say.

"Anytime, Carolina," Troy's dad said.

Troy and I got out of the car and walked into school. Our lockers are right beside each-other. What a suprise! I grab my books and start to walk to my first period class, History. Troy stops me.

"Let me walk you to class," he said.

I feel a blush coming into my face. Why is he being so nice? I don't say anything but I just smile. We walk in comfortable silence. It's nice to have someone to walk to class with.

"Thank you walking me to class," I say.

"Anytime. I like walking you to class," he said.

I walk into the classroom, and I sit in the back. Only a couple of people are here. Most of them are getting caught up on missing assignment. Luckily for me, I get my homework done in class. More students are coming in. Finally the teacher came in, Mrs. Polly. She is the most meanest teacher you'll ever meet.

"Class, today we will be having a pop quiz!" She says. I think that she likes to torture kids. . . She starts to pass out the papers.

I'm the first one to finish my test.

The rest of the day was a blur. I head out of school to meet Troy. He is on the sidewalk. It looks like he's waiting for me. I walk up to him. He smiles.

"How was your day?" he asked

"Good. Yours?" I say.

"Good, but now great because I'm with you. Lets walk home," he said.

He is such a flirt.

I nod. We walk back to our houses. We talked about school. We only see eachother at lunch and math.

"I'll see you at six," he said. He walks up to his house and I walk to mine.

It's a date. . .

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