Chapter 25: Trouble

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We walk the door to see why his dad is mad. Bea. . . What is she doing here?

"Hey dad what's up?" Troy asked.

"This fine young lady has been telling me that you two are sneaking into each-others rooms," His dad explained.

Anger boils in the pit of my stomach. Does she have to ruin my life?

"We don't do anything. We talk," Troy says.

"We don't know that. I'm glad your sister told me about this because I do not tolerate this. Troy you can not see Carolina anymore," His dad yells.

My heart breaks into pieces.

"Dad you can't make me not see Carolina," Troy yells.

He comes over to me and hugs me. I put my head on his chest.

"You will do as I say. If we see you two talking or hanging out I will move your bedroom into the guest room. Is that understood?" He dad says angrily.

"Yes," Troy says.

"Carolina I'm sorry. This is the right thing to do," His dad explains.

I stare numbly at him. The only happiness I have, is taken away from me. It's all Bea's fault.

"Troy go inside," His father demanded.

Troy hugs me tightly. He kisses me.

"They can't keep us apart. I won't let them," Troy whispers.

I nod. Tears start to fill my eyes.

"Love you," He whispers.

"Love you too," I manage to get out.

A lump starts to form in my throat.

We both let go of each-other. I look at Troy's father and Bea. Bea has a smirk on her face.

I run inside. I run to my room and slam the door. I land onto my bed. I hear Troy screaming at his dad. My heart is broken. Tears start to fall out of my eyes like a hurricane.

Why does Bea have to make my life a living hell?

I hear a knock on my door but I don't care. I locked it so no one can get in.

"Open the door right now," Bea demanded.

I don't want to get in anymore trouble than I'm probably in.

I open the door.

"What do you want? You already make my life miserable," I snap.

"Aw poor little Carolina. You deserve it. No one wants to be with you," She says.

I decide this is the day I'm going to stick up for myself. She can take away everything I have, but she can't take away my voice.

"You know what Bea, I'm done with you making my life a living hell. You have made my life horrible since day one. You make me hopeless. I can't believe you. I'm your sister! You don't know how you make feel because you are a selfish brat that never cares about anyone but yourself!" I say.

Well, I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Carolina, you are pathetic. You're a mistake. Don't you ever speak to me like that again!" She screams.

She slaps me in the face. Burning comes to my face. I pull my hands up to my cheek.

She walks away. I shut my door. I take my hands off of my cheek. I look around my room for something sharp.

I grab a razor.

Be strong. . . . .you should cut. . . .Don't!

Thoughts rush into my head. I throw the razor. I can't go down that road again. It takes ten times more power to push yourself up then go down.

I lay on my bed letting all the tears fall out. I fall asleep in my pool of tears.

I wake up early. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I look into the mirror and see puffy eyes. I don't care anymore. I pull my hair into a messy bun. I don't even want to go to school.

I go to my closet and put on sweatpants and a tshirt. I put my coat on and shoes. I walk out of my house. I look over to Troy's house and see his and dad and him in the car. I forgot. I have to walk to school now.

Troy and I make eye contact. He gives me a weak smile. I give him one back. His dad drives away. I start to walk.

After twenty minutes of walking in the snow, I made it to school. I walk into school and go straight to school.

Troy is at his locker. I go beside him.

"Good morning beautiful. We are allowed to talk in school cause no one can stop us," He said.

I turn around and hug him. He returns the hug.

"Why does this have to happen?" I ask.

"I don't know. I'n going to talk to him tonight and see if he can let us hang out again. I hate it so much," Troy says.

"I don't want to let go of you," I say.

He chuckles.

"You have to get to class. I'll walk you to class and we have classes together," He explains.

I nod.

We left go of the hug and hold hands. We walk to my class.

"I'll see you at lunch," He says and pecks my lips.

"Okay," I reply.

I walk into my class. This is going to be a long day.

The bell rings signaling lunch. I walk to my locker eagerly. I want to see Troy.

I rush to the cafeteria. I look around and see Troy.

"Hi," I say happily to him.

"Hi," He replied.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"No," I say.

My stomach had other thoughts. It growled loudly.

"You are hungry," He said while laughing.

I blush with embarrassment.

We go up to the lunch line. I grab an apple and water. Troy gets pizza and a burger.

"Wow. You're hungry," I say.

"Yes I am!" He replied.

He pays for the food. We go to our usually seats.

After lunch, the rest of the day was boring.

I walk out of school and see Troy's dad's truck.

He won't even let him walk. . .

I look at Troy and give a weak wave. He does the same.

I walk back to the house. I go into my room. I sit on my bed starring numbly at the wall.

All of sudden I see Troy out of my window.

Confused, I walk over to my window. I open it.

"You won't guess what happened," He said.

Authors Comments.

This chapter really made me want to cry. Also I want to thank Lauren for an idea for the story. She has a story on wattpad that you people should read! Its called Love Again?

Thank you everyone for reading my book. It means a ton to me and I love writing it! Please vote, comment, and tell your friends!



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