Chapter 33: The Fight

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Ricky drives to the party. I look out the window and see pure darkness. I wonder how late it is.

"We'll start the deal at the party. Are you sure you want to see me has my player and bad boy self?" He asked.

"Yes I do. I'm sure you want to see me as my bad girl self," I reply.

He takes out his phone and looks at its screen.

"I sure do," He said.

"Are we almost there?" His friend says as he looks back at us.

"I'm excited to see this bet. I think Carolina will win," His friend confesses.

"Why do you say that?" Troy screeches.

I think I'll win too.

"Because you've changed. I don't think you can change back," Ricky says with a smirk.

"I'll prove you wrong!" Troy shouts.

After five minutes, we reach the house. I already see people out of the house, they are drunk.

"Okay. The bet starts now," Troy whispers in my ear.

Shivers go down my back. We get out of the car and Troy waits for me.

Oh yeah he's a bad boy alright. . . I put on my serious face and flip my hair back.

He takes my hand and walks us in the house. Music bursts in my ears. It shakes the house. I smell something.

Alcohol. . .

"Lets go get a drink," Troy says.

His voice is different. It sounds protective and sexy. I start to blush at that thought.

We walk into the kitchen where the drinks were. People stare at us.  I grab the first beer I could find and drink it less than a minute.  Off to my second one.

"Troy my man!" Someone from the crowd shouts.

Troy doesn't look up but waves a hand. When he does look up, a group of girls that are wearing to skimpy clothes, giggle at him.

I get a pain of jealousy in my heart. He winks at them.

Why did he do that! It's just a bet. . . . It's just a bet.  Now it's your turn.

Troy let's go of my hand to grab a soda.

"Want one?" He asked me.

"Nope.  I'm already on my second beer," I say in my party voice.

He smiles at me. I wrap my arms around his neck to act protective. I don't want any girls to be all over him.

He places his hand on my waist.

"Hey Troy! What's new?" A boy with black hair says.

"Hey. Nothing's new. How bout you?" He said in his protective voice.

"Nothing but obviously something's new because that girl is all over you," He said.

The stranger winked at me. I give him a wink back and smile at him.

"She my girlfriend. Back off," Troy snarled.

"Wow Troy actually settled down for someone. Honey, he used to be a massive player. Breaking hearts one by one. You must be special," The stagger explained.

I peak my head out towards him. Troy used to be a player? Am I really that special to him?

"I did settle down," Troy replied.

"Well good luck, girl. You're lucky he hasn't went after someone else. He must have changed his bad boy ways," The stranger said.

"I'm the same as I've always been, Joe," He said.

"Prove it," Joe said with a smirk.

My heart started to race. What was he going to do?

"What do you want me to do?" Troy asked.

"How long have you two been dating?  This girl looks pretty bad," He asked.

I look up at Troy. We've been dating for a three months.

"Three months," Troy explained.

"Hmm..... Okay I got something. You have to flirt with a girl of your chose in front of your girlfriend!" He explained.

My heart dropped. Troy can't do that. Even with the bet.

"And if I don't?" Troy asked.

Troy must know that his friend has catches to stuff.

"If you don't, you have to let your girlfriend be with me the whole time," His friend said with an evil smirk.

"I'd rather go to hell than be with you," I say to him.

Joe's face grows with anger.  He roughly grabs my shoulder and pushes me into the wall.  He pushes his lips on to mine.  I try to scream for help but I feel something cool on my stomach. 

It's a knife.

Troy pulls Joe off of me and punches Joe right in the nose. He falls onto the floor. People have taken interest and start to make a circle.

Joe regains balance. He jumps up and kicks Troy in the leg. Troy reacts fast and kicks Joe in the back. He falls again but this time he didn't get up. Troy flips him over and punches him in the face. Blood is running out of Joe's nose.

"Don't ever mess with me or my girlfriend," Troy snaps.

What just happened?

I look at Troy. He makes eye contact with me. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"Lets go," He whispers.

We walk through the crowd of people. People starred at us. I don't care. We walk straight out of the house.

"I guess you were a bad boy!" I said.

"Yeah," He replied.

"How are we getting home?" I ask.

"We walk," He said with a smile.

We start to walk down the road. We see something run in front of us.

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