Chapter 31: Shopping

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I go downstairs to get something to eat. I hear the shower running, so my mom must be taking a shower. I grab cereal and eat it dry. I grab some apple juice out of the fridge.

While I'm eating, my mom comes into the kitchen with jeans and a nice shirt. Her hair is still damp.

"You need to get ready! We are on a tight schedule!" My mom said.

She reminded me of Effie from The Hunger Games. I laugh silently as I walk up the stairs.

I go into Bea's room and look through her closet. I find some skinny jeans. I go back to my room and change into the jeans. I now go through my closet to find a shirt. I pick one out that looked decent. I change into the shirt and head to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and brush my hair. My hair is so knotty! It takes a good ten minutes without any breaks to get all of the knots out. Once they're out, I put it up into a pony tail.

I walk into my room and see Troy knocking on the window. I open it for him and he comes in.

"Ready to shop?" He asked.

I give him a glare.

"I hate shopping!" I complain.

"Oh come on! You are going to have fun because I'm going to help you find stuff and I'm going to be there!" He said with a smirk.

"Kids come on!" My mom screams.

We walk down stairs and see my mom packing stuff in her purse. She has the list in her hand. I would think that she would of forgot the list.

"Okay. Your hair appointment is at five. It's eleven now. We have a lot of time," My mom mumbles.

I get on the old converse and we head to the hair place. We only need a small coat because it's not even that cold out. It's December! There needs to be snow!

My mom starts the car and drives. Troy and I sit in the back together. We finally each the mall.

"Where shall we go first?" My mom asked.

"I don't even know. I've never been shopping before," I say quiety.

Sadness shoots across her face.

"Well Bea always like Dress Me Up. It's more for teens. We can go to the Shoes Palace after and we will find time to get you a new phone," She explained.

We walk into the mall. Troy and I lock hands. My mom directs us to the clothing store. We walk into the place. I am surrounded my clothes. I have never seen so many clothes.

"Where do I start?" I ask with a nervous laugh.

"Anywhere. Finds stuff that you like and then you can try stuff on," Troy said.

I nod and released Troy's hand. I start to circle around rackes. I look for different shirts. I find a couple that I really like. I look for jeans. I hear music in the backround. I find some skinny jeans that are really soft. I find some other tops. I count how much stuff I have. I end up having four jeans and six tops.

I search for Troy and my mom. I find Troy by the colone area.

"Are you ready to try stuff on?" He ask.

I nod. Now we need to find my mom. We search around the store. We find her by the dresses.

"Just so you know I'm not ever wearing a dress. Only for dances and special events," I say to my mom.

"I know but you would look so cute in all of these! You agree with me Troy right?" My mom said.

"Yes she would," He commented.

"I'm ready to try stuff on," I say. I try to get there minds off of the dresses.

"Okay. Lets go see," My mom said.

We walk up to the person that is running the dressing rooms. We tell her what I have and she directs into the rooms. Troy has to be left behind because it's a girls dressing room! I'll go out and show him the outfits. I try on the first outfit. It's the soft jeans and a nicer red shirt.

"You look so beautiful! Go show Troy!" My mom gushes.

I go out and show Troy the outfit. He smiles right when I walk out of the dressing room.

"You look so beautiful!" He said.

"Thank you," I say and walk back into the room. I try on the different outfits. I end up with five shirts and three pairs of jeans.

My mom pays for everything. I need a job. We walk out of the store and head to the shoe store. I try on a lot of different shoes. They all were nice but they were my favorite. I try on some converse and I'm in love with them.

"You should get some boots and sneakers," My mom suggested.

"Okay," I reply.

I search for some sneakers and boots. I find some Nikes shoes. Now I have to look for boots. I look around and find gray fluffy ones. I got three pair of shoes.

We walk out of the store and then we head to the phone store.

"HI! How may I help you?" The lady asked as we walked in.

"We need to get my daughter a phone," My mom said.

"What were you looking for?" The lady asked.

"An iPhone 5s," My mom replied.

"Okay! What kind would you like? We have silver, gold, and black," The lady asked.

"I guess the gold," I reply.

She walks to the closet where she got the iPhone.

"Okay. Are we transferring stuff or is this her first phone?" She asked as she typed something into the computer.

"It's a new phone," My mom said.


She writes down my number on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

"Thank you," I say.

My mom and the lady talk things over and next thing you know, I have my own phone.

"We'll get you a case tomorrow," My mom said.

"Okay. Thank you so much," I reply.

We head to the car and go to the hair place.

Once we get there they get start right away.

"You have a lot of died ends. I am going to cut it to the mid back and then I'll give you a side bang. Is that good?" She asked.

"Yes," I reply.

I stay quiet the whole time. I feel her snipping away my hair.

"Okay all done!" She says and turns my chair around to face the mirror.

The in the mirror doesn't look like me. My hair is so much shorter. I get out of the seat and turn around to look at my hair. It's still long but it's so much shorter than it was. I look at the side bang and smile. I like it.

I turn and face Troy and my mom. Troy looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

We head out to the car after my mom paid for it.

"Thank you so much, mom. Thank you for coming Troy," I say to both of them.

I peck Troy on the lips.

"You're welcome. Let's go out to eat. Also we will have a garage sale to get rid of Bea's stuff and your father's stuff," My mom says.

We stop at a red light. While we're waiting, something huge happens.

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