Chapter 21: Wild Dog Chase

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"What do you want?" I ask.

"What do you think I want? I want Troy," She snaps.

"Well I'm sorry dearest sister but you can't have him," I say angrily.

"Oh and why do you say that? Are you dating or something?" She says sarcastically.

"A matter of fact, I am dating him," I say confidently.

Her face was in shock.

"I'm going to be nice and say leave my room," I say as 'nicely' as I can.

"Trust me Carolina. Save your heart a heart break and bring him to me," She said as she walked towards the door.

"He won't break my heart," I yell.

"Oh poor sister, love struck. You're pathetic self will never let anyone love you. You're nothing," She screams.

She walks out of my room. I slam my door and lock the door. I cry.

Depressed. . . worthless. . . pathetic

Why does Troy even like me? I'm not anything special. I close my blinds so that Troy won't see me.

Why do I have to be nothing? I hear my blinds move. I lift my head off of my pillow. Troy.

"What's the matter?" Troy asked. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"I'm. . . sorry. . . f. . .for. . . b. . . being. . . worthless. . ." I say between my sobs.

"What are you even talking about?" He said.

"I'm a mistake. Why do you even want to date me when I'm an ugly worthless nobody?" I ask.

"Carolina Rose Evergreen you are not a mistake. You are an amazing girl who is smart, talented, and so sweet. You're the most beautiful girl I ever met. The first person who ever made me happy by just smiling is you," He said.

I wrap my arms his neck and climb onto his lap. I start to get cold, and I start to shiver.

Troy lets go of me and comes back with a blanket.

"Here," He says as he pulls it over us.

We lay in silence.

"I'm so thankful for you, Troy," I say.

"I'm thankful for you," He replies.

I look over to my clock. It says one a.m.

"You should get some sleep," Troy said.

"You should too," I reply.

Troy gets up and instantly I'm cold.

"I'll see you in the morning," He said.

He leans down and kisses my cheek.

Tory goes out of my window.

I fall to sleep instantly.

I wake up feeling tired. I try to fall back asleep but the light bothers me. The alarm is bursting with the annoying sound it always makes. I walk into the bathroom. I look at myself.

Puffy eyes, hair in tangles, what looks like drool on the side of my cheek.

I hop into the shower and wash my body and hair. I get out and brush my hair out. It takes forever but I manage to brush it all out. I pull it up into a messy bun. I go back into my room and put on legginngs and a sweatshirt.

I open my blinds and see Troy on the phone. It looks like he is arguing with someone. He looks mad. In the sky there is a bird. I look at that while Troy is doing whatever.

The bird flies around and around. It looks lost. I wish I could help it.

"Good morning beautiful," Troy says.

I look down at him and smile. I also start to blush.

"Good morning handsome," I say back.

"Want to go the park?" He asked.


We meet on the sidewalk. We hold hands as we walk. Troy takes out his phone and puts on The Hanging Tree. I am in love with song.

I sing softly to the song.

"I love that song," I say.

"I know," Troy says with a smirk.

We get to the park. There seems to be dogs for sale.

I smile instantly.

"There are puppies!" I say like a little girl.

"I know. I brought you here to cheer you up. We can even buy one if you want," He said.


"Yes! Now look at the puppies," He said.

I walk around looking at the different kind of dogs. All of them are adorable! The kind I fell in love with is the pugs. There smached little faces are so cute!

I bend down to look at them. All of them instantly come over looking for attention.

"You all are so cute!" I say.

Troy comes down beside me and looks at them.

"Aren't they so cute!" I say happily.

"They are. Any of them that you really like?" He asked.

I look around. I see one with the cutest eyes. It is a black pug.

"I like that one," I say. I point to the one that I love.

"You like that one?" He asked.

"Yes!" I say happily.

"Okay. I'm going to buy it," He said.

"You're what?" I asked.

"You heard me. I'm going to buy that pug," He said.

"Are you sure? Do you even like that one?" I say concerned.

"I think that one is cute!" He says.

"Okay!" I say.

Troy goes up to the person in charge. They walk back over to me.

"Which one?" The man asked. He sounded bored. We were the only people there.

Troy points out the one that we want.

The man picks up the dog but has soon as it got out of the cage it ran. We run after it but for as tiny as its legs are, it runs fast.

We run after it. After twenty minutes we catch him.

"Are you sure you still want him?" The man says angrily.

"Yes," I say.

Troy pays the man and puts the dog in a giant box.

We walk home with our puppy in the box.

"What do you want to name it?" He asked.

"Rebel because he ran away," I explain.

"That's perfect," Troy says as he chuckles.

When we walked home and played with Rebel. Rebel is so playful!

I think I'm going to love this dog.

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