Chapter 28: hospital

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Troy and I run to my house. I see my dad is cuffs.

"What the heck?" I whisper.

I run up to one of the officers.

"Excuse me but what is going on here?" I ask.

"Who are you?" The man said. He had a deep voice.

"I live here," I reply.

"Well someone anonymous called and said that there was a beating. It appears that this man has been selling illegal drugs," He explained.

"Since you live here, do you know who he was hurting?" He asked.

My breathing starts to get heavy.

"Me," I say through my breaths.

"Oh my. We need a medics," He said quickly through this thing on his shoulder.

"You don't have to do this," I say.

All of a sudden a sharp pain is where my bruise is on my face and the bruise on my stomach feels like a stabbing pain. I haven't noticed how bad the pain really is.

I start to panic. I don't know why but my vision gets blurry. I fall onto the ground.

I see what looks like a blurry Troy. He is saying something but I can't understand him. All of a sudden I black out.


I'm in a black pool of nothing. I can't move. Slowly I open my eyes. Brightness flows everywhere. I shut my eyes again.

I open my eyes. This time the light isn't that bright. I try to move my hand.

How long have I been out?

My hand starts to move at my command.

"Hello?" I croak out.

I hear movement. It's Troy.

"Oh my gosh you're awake!" He said happily. He hugs me lightly.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well you fell after you were talking to the officer. We rushed you to the hospital. It turns out that your bruises were very severe. They wrapped your stomach wound up but they kept your face alone. Your sister is huge trouble. I don't know what they'll do to her, but she isn't living with you and your mom anymore. Same with your father," He explained.

I think about this. This is to much information.

"Let me go get the doctor while you think about all of this," He said.

I nod. I can't believe that my Satan father and my devil sister are not going to be living in my house again. I know Satan and the devil are the same thing. Once this got through my head, relief came through my whole body. A smile forms onto my face. I feel happy. They are actually not going to be living with me! If I could right now, I would do a happy dance.

A couple minutes later, Troy comes into my room with the doctor.

"Good afternoon Miss Evergreen. I'm glad you are finally awake," The doctor said.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

The doctor looks down at his clip board.

"Well, you've been out since Thursday. Today is Friday but in the following week. You've been out for a week and one day. We also have seen some scars. Would you like to tell us about them?" He asked.

I decided I should tell him about it. I take a deep breath and start to talk.

"I've always been the mistake in the family. They treated me with no respect. I thought there was no hope for me. I thought that I was done. I cut myself because my parents called me a mistake and my sister made my life horrible. I felt depressed. I know I was depressed. I haven't cut for a year. It's was the hardest thing I could possibly have done. I tried and I still struggle with not cutting. I met Troy and he's made my life so much better. He's always there for me. He has stuck up for me. He's made my life easier," I explain.

The doctor is trying to write down every word I have said. I look over to Troy. He smiles at me.

"Okay. You'll be released today. You may get your clothes on that Troy has brought for you. I'll will be back with paper work. I almost forgot to tell you, but your mother is out in the waiting room. Would you like her to come in?" He asked.

"That's fine," I reply.

He walks out. It's just Troy and I.

"Can you help me get out of the bed?" I asked embarrassed.

"Sure," He replies.

He walks over to me. Troy holds onto my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. Carefully he helps me out of the bed. Once I'm on my feet my stomach aches.

"I'll turn around so you can get ready." He said.

He turns around and faces the wall. I grab the shirt that appears to be Troy's shirt.

"Is this your shirt?" I ask.

"Yes. I thought you would like to wear something loose," Says Troy.

"Thank you," I says. I lift my arms to untie the hospital gown. When I finally get it off, it's time to put on the shirt.

After a long pain struggle, I finally get the shirt on. I grab the sweatpants that are mine.

"You can turn around now." I say.

He turns around and comes over to me. He kisses me. We kiss until my mom opens the door.

"Oh sorry you two. I interupted something didn't I?" She asked. Her face started to get red.

Troy hugs me protectivly.

"No it's fine," I say.

She comes over to me and has tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," She whispers.

I go out of Troy's hug and go to my mom's arms. We hug. I start to cry. This is the first hug that I ever had from my family.

"Mom, can you do my hair? Like in a pony tail?" I asked.

"Yes, honey of course," She said.

I sit down on the bed and Troy sits beside me. My mom comes behind me and gently pulls on my tangled hair. She pulls it in a low pony tail.

"We need to give this hair a massive hair cut," She said.

"I know," I mumbled.

The doctor comes in and lets mom sign some papers.

"Okay. Let's go home!" My mom said.

We head out of the hospital and into the car. Troy and I sit in the back.

"Um my mom wanted to know if you guys would want to spend Christmas with my family?" Troy asked me and my mom.

"That would mean so much to us. Thank you, Troy. Also you can come over anytime," She responded.

Troy and I hold hands.

"Did you stay at the hospital all week?" I questoned.

"Yes," He said.

I kiss his cheek.

Once we get home we go inside.

"Let's eat, kids," My mom said.

We sit at the table.

She brings out salad.

We hear a knock on the door.

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