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My name, my name is...

I don't remember my name, I don't remember who I was before all of this happened. I was nineteen when I woke up in the lab. Nineteen when my world began. It's hard, confusing to wake up and not know who you were before that moment. I see faces in dreams I have. Two, specifically, keep reoccurring. They are never clear pictures, instead, it feels like I'm looking through a key hole, trying to see them fully but never succeeding. Their voices haunt me, their faces torment me. Who are they? Why don't I remember them?

Endless pain fills my days, marks litter my arms. Injection sights. Whoever these people are, they seem to be studying me. Everyday blood samples are taken, vitals checked. It has become so routine that I don't even fight back anymore. At first I did, at first I had hope someone who come to save me, that someone was looking for me, missing me. But now, now I'm not so sure. I have been in here so long. I'm starting to lose hope.

Raccoon City...

Even with my memory gone, the place still felt familiar when I stepped foot in it. Even with the chaos, the destruction, it was oddly familiar. Had I lived here? Had I called this place home before? Was my place just around the corner? Did I have someone waiting up for me? So many questions filled my mind as I wandered the streets. A black tactical suit, a combat knife and a shotgun were my only protection against the undead. Everything I did, every step I made, every kill was done with instinct. I had done this before, I had faced creatures just like these before. I wasn't afraid of them, no, what I was afraid of was the thing hunting me. It was a grotesque monster, staples holding skin together, teeth bared. It was heavily armed. I must not have been it's only target.

How I got out of there alive I'll never know. I thought it was the end, I thought the misery was done and I was free, but I was wrong, so wrong. It was only just the beginning of my misery. He was there, waiting on the helicopter for me. Albert Wesker. I wondered, at that point, if I would ever be free of him. Turns out I would, but sometimes, sometimes I would catch myself wishing I hadn't been free of him. Because I was never truly free, I was just traded.

Los Illuminados...

Wesker brought me to them, offered me up as a gift. The first and only person to successfully bond with a virus on a cellular level. The perfect bio weapon, that's what I was referred to. It had been six years since I was taken, since I became what I was.

. . .

My hands are tied together and my upper arm was wrapped in a tight grip. I struggle against it, glaring up at the tall blonde male, only to be greeted with the gaze of those black sunglasses. Those stupid sunglasses. I could never see what he was thinking, he hid his expressions so well. I'm in a hospital gown. I'm used to it by now, I had only ever wore that or a tactical suit for years. It was almost degrading the more I thought about it.

"I would stop squirming if I were you, I thought we were past you and your pointless struggling." He spoke, lips pressed into a firm line. They were always like that. His expression never changed.

I continue to glare at him, but for now I stop squirming. I stop struggling against him. We pass by people, they speak in hushed voices. I can hear them but I don't know what they are saying. We are in another lab, somewhere, I don't know where. The halls, they are different, similar to the other ones I have been in but different. We enter through to metal doors and are greeted with three figures. One is tall, muscular and the other, well the other looks like a fifty year old man stuck at the height of a seven year old. The man in the middle wears a cloak of his body, casting a shadow over his face so I can't see it. I start to panic, pulling against his grip. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be with these men. I couldn't believe it, but at that moment I would rather continue being with Wesker.

Wesker grew angry with me, his face turning towards me. "I thought I told you to stop squirming." His voice is low and harsh, his arm pulling me so i was inches from his face.

"Please don't leave me with these men, please Wesker." I plead. I hate begging, I hate that I'm doing it and worse, to a man I despise more than anything. But like I said, I would rather be in his possession then these strange men.

His grip tightened on my arm. I could see the painful expression I had on my face in the lenses of his glasses. He shoved me forward, letting go of my arm. I stumbled, falling to my side against the metal floor. I groaned a tiny bit, my hip and shoulder sore from the landing. I slowly got up, crouching on my knees as I stared up at the men. I tried not to show how terrified I was.

"Is this the weapon? It's well, it's quite disappointing." The little man said, eyeing me. I glared at him, if only he knew what I was capable of. Things on desks start to shake as my anger grows. The little man's eyes start to widen and a smile spreads on his face.

"I see that I have misjudged your weapon Wesker." He said, but Wesker isn't looking at him, instead I can feel his gaze on me. I quickly gather my emotions and the objects that were once shaking stopped. His gaze is off of me after that, at least for now.

"I expect to have her back once your little mission is over along with the sample that you promised me." Wesker said, his voice flat. He was always business. I have never known him to be anything but this. His footsteps start to retreat and I am left alone, staring up at the three men.

He left me, he really left me here. That was his mistake...

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now