𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 : 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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   Anna tugged on the skirt as she stared at herself in the long floor mirror. She wore a dark blue button up and a black pencil skirt. She chewed on her cheek, turning a little to look at herself. She sighed, walked over to the bed where all her clothes lay, grabbing a pair of black dress pants. She changed into them, tucking the shirt in before she looked at herself once again. She definitely liked the pants better on her. It was a different look for her. She felt a little stupid, dressing up like this but she wanted to look nice for this interrogation, at least that's what it sounded like.

   The DSO wanted to ask her a few questions about what happened in Spain and with the Los Illuminados cult. Though, Anna knew they would be more interested in her and the fact that she had practically come back from the dead. She grabbed her shoes and slipped them on, taking one last look at herself in the mirror before heading downstairs. Leon stood in the kitchen, waiting for her so they could drive to where the meeting was going to be held.

   "Ready to go?" He asked her, earning a small nod in response. "Hey, don't worry about it. Just answer the questions they ask as best as you can." He said as he grabbed the car keys and walked with her outside. He locked up the apartment before going to the car, unlocking it for her.

The car ride wasn't long, Anna staring out the window at the world that she had been gone from so long. She didn't remember it much, having been hidden away in labs for so many years. She leaned against the window, watching the world go by. Soon they arrived at the building, Leon driving into the parking garage. He parked and got out, Anna getting out as well. She looked around the place, shifting a bit on her feet.

"Come on blondie, elevator is this way." Leon called out, locking the car. Anna walked quickly to catch up with him, walking by his side.

"Do you know who is going to be interviewing me?" Anna asked as he pressed the elevator button. Leon shook his head, glancing over at her.

"No they didn't tell me, but they did mention it was going to be a group of people." Leon said. Anna nodded a bit, glancing up as the elevator dinged. The doors opened and the pair stepped on, Leon pressing the button for the floor. Anna stood quietly, hands holding onto the railing on the wall behind her. What if they didn't like the answers she would give? Would they deem her a danger or a threat? Would they lock her away somewhere just after she got her freedom again? Questions raced through her mind as the elevator climbed. The doors opened and they stepped out into a hallway with stone gray walls and multiple doors on each side. A taller brunette came over to them. She had glasses on and her hair was up.

"Hunnigan." Leon said with a nod. Anna glanced over to her, studying her for a moment. She was the one Leon had been talking to back in Spain.

"Leon." She replied with a nod. "They are ready for her. Follow me Miss Redfield."

Anna followed her down the hallway and through one of the many doors that were in the hall. Inside sat three people, two older males and a woman all behind a wooden table. In the middle of the room, was a chair. She slowly made her way over and sat down, facing the trio. Hunnigan left the room, leaving her alone with these people.

"Please state your full name for the record." The lady said, arms folded in front of her.

"Anna Redfield."

"Do you not have a middle name?" The one gentleman asked.

"If I do, I don't remember it. I just recently learned what my last name was." Anna explained.

   The trio glanced between one another, puzzled a little by her answer. They were warned by Agent Kennedy about her memory issue but they didn't think it was that serious.

   "What do you know about your past Miss Redfield?" The lady asked her.

   "Not much, just what Chris and Claire Redfield have told me. I was introduced to them yesterday and they brought over some of my old possessions. They told me I was a S.T.A.R.S member before I was taken and experimented on by Umbrella."

   "That is true. In fact, you and Mr. Redfield were both top in your training classes. It seems you were both excellent operatives." The lady informed her, glancing at the file that she had in front of her. It no doubt contained information about her past. Her work with S.T.A.R.S and her life in Raccoon City.

   "And how did you come to be in the hands of the Los Illuminados cult?" The third gentleman asked.

"I was given to the Los Illuminados by Albert Wesker." Anna said, her fingers fiddling with the cuff of her shirt sleeve.

"What do you mean by given?" The woman asked her, a confused look on her face by the peculiar phrasing that Anna had chosen.

"Wesker gave me to the cult's leader, Saddler as like a security deposit. I was supposed to make sure they were able to do their work without interruption so that Wesker and the Organization could get their Las Plagas parasite." Anna explained.

"Yet instead you helped Agent Kennedy take down the cult and rescue Miss Graham."

Anna nodded her head, "Saddler didn't trust me and kept me locked in a room on the island where they performed the injections of the parasites. So when Agent Kennedy came, of course I agreed to help. It was my only chance to get away from Wesker."

The trio seemed pleased with her answers so far. The woman glanced at the file in front of her.

"What did Umbrella's experiments do to you?"

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now