𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟐 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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   "So Umbrella, they did this all to you. They left you here with these men?"

   Anna slowly nodded her head, forearms resting on her knees. She was dressed now in the tactical suit. Her blue eyes stared at the floor, trying to fight back the awful memories that were flooding her brain.

   "Wesker was the one to leave me here. As a sort of...insurance policy." She explained, "He wanted to make sure he got his sample, that these men succeeded. I was left here to help them succeed."

   "And how exactly were you supposed to do that?" Leon questioned, his handgun no longer pointed at her and instead just in his hand that hung by his side.

   "By stopping you," she said, voice soft. "Or whoever they sent to get her." She gestured to Ashley.

   "But when you arrived, they abandoned the lab after infecting you. They left me here, which was obviously their mistake." She said with a chuckle. After all, with no one there, she could help them escape rather than try and keep Ashley for these insane cultists. She stood up. "So how about it cowboy?  You going to let me help get you two out of here?" She asked. Leon chuckled at the nickname the blonde had given him. He took the shotgun that was strapped to his back and tossed it to her. Anna caught it with ease, cocking it.

"Name's Leon." He said with a smile. He was starting to like this girl already. It would be easier to protect Ashley with two people keeping an eye on her now. Anna nodded, walking over to the door, pushing it open. She peeked her head out, listening for footsteps.

   "Coast is clear, at least for now. We better hurry, Saddler may still be lurking around." She said. She offered her hand to Ashley, guiding her into the hallway before walking out. Leon followed, gun in hand. Anna raised the shotgun, letting the butt of the gun rest against her shoulder, holding it across her body.

   "Alright, let's get moving." She said, starting to walk down the hallway. Ashley walked in behind the pair, though she made sure to stick close to them in case any trouble came. The trio walked in silence for awhile, Leon occasionally glancing at the female. It was almost amusing to him to be yet again receiving help from a Redfield. If it hadn't been for Claire's help in Raccoon City, he wouldn't be standing here today.

"So where's the rest of the team?" Anna spoke up, her voice quiet, glancing over at Leon. "Saddler kill them already?"

"There isn't a team, just me." Leon said as he shook his head, receiving a shocked look from Anna. "What?" He asked defensively.

   "Nothing, I just thought there would be a bigger cavalry considering she is the President's daughter," she said with a shrug. "You must be some agent if you got this far."

   Leon chuckled, peeking around one of the corners before gesturing for the girls to follow him.

   "I guess you could look at it that way." He said. He continued walking, stopping when his eyes caught a familiar blue flame. Anna stopped as well, her arm going out, shielding Ashley.

"It's okay, he's been helping me. Selling me ammo and stuff like that." Leon said, noticing how weary Anna had gotten. Anna nodded slowly, staying with Ashley as Leon went to do business.

"Do you really not remember anything before you were kidnapped?" Ashley voice said, popping up. Anna turned towards her, nodding.

"I remember two faces. I see them in dreams but that's it. I don't know who they are. All I know is my name is Anna but Umbrella always referred to me as Project Anna, as if I was a science experiment." Anna explained. Ashley frowned at the words.

"I don't know what I would do if that were to happen to me." Ashley said.

"It's not. Leon seems determined to get you home. And I won't let that happen to you either." Anna said, giving her a gentle smile. Leon walked over once he was done talking to the strange merchant. He looked to Anna who gave him a nod to signal that they were ready to go. They started walking again, heading towards the two metal doors. Leon pushed them open, walking outside. A slight breeze blew against them. In front, just a ways away was a set of metal stairs, leading up to a metal platform high above there heads.

   "Something doesn't seem right. Ashley you stay here with Anna." Leon said. Anna shook her head.

   "I'm coming with you, if it's Saddler up there you are going to need all the help you can get." Anna said. "There's a place over there that would provide good cover for Ashley. If she needs help just whistle and I'll come help you." She added, turning towards Ashley. The girl nodded.

   "You two go on, I will be fine here and she's right, Leon. You may need her help." Ashley said.

   Leon sighed, knowing they were right. "Okay, but you need to be extra careful. Take my spare handgun and remember, aim for their heads." He told Ashley before handing her the small handgun. Anna showed her quickly how to turn off the safety before she went to hide. Leon turned to Anna.

   "Ladies first."

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now