𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟑 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 ( 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 )

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Anna slowly climbed up the metal stairs, Leon following close behind. She held her shotgun up, scanning with each step she made. There was almost a sense of comfort she felt, having the weight of the gun in her hand, feeling the smoothed wood pressed against her cheek. A sense of peace could been seen in her. She was right at home in this situation.

"You seem like you have done this before." Leon said with a smile as he looked up at the blonde.

Anna chuckled. "Believe me, this isn't the first time I have felt like that either. Raccoon City was the first time I can remember facing things like these and even then, I felt like I had done it before." She said as she continued to climb the stairs. She stopped once she was able to see above the top step. She peered over, scanning around with the shotgun raised.

   "No one is up there it looks like." Anna whispered to Leon.

"Okay, let's move up, but be careful, Saddler could still be up there somewhere." Leon said. Anna nodded, staying low as she walked up the stairs with him right behind her. She walked forward slowly, looking up as some movement caught her eye. A girl was hanging, still alive and tied up in a rope that held her arms pinned to her body. Her eyes widened as she recognized the woman. Ada. She pointed the shotgun at her, preparing to shoot. Leon quickly stepped in front of her, grabbing the barrel of the gun and pushing it away from her target.

   "She's working for Wesker, Leon!" Her voice hushed and laced with anger.

   "And right now, we have bigger problems to worry about." Leon said lowly, his eyes glancing over to the side. Anna's eyes followed his gaze, spotting Saddler walking over. The awful sounds coming from his staff could be heard. She turned quickly, pointing her weapon at him.

"Ah, I see I was right to not trust Mr. Wesker and his American weapon." Saddler said, watching Anna. He raised his hand, trying to control Leon. His eyes narrowed, realizing that the agent no longer had the parasite in him. Leon chuckled.

"Better try a new trick cause that one is getting old." He said. He flung his knife towards Ada, cutting the rope that hung her suspended in the air. She landed roughly on a tarp below her. Anna quickly walked over, putting herself in between Saddler and Ada. Saddler slowly began to chuckle.

   "What's so funny?" Leon asked him, lips pressed into a firm line.

"Oh, I think you know," Saddler said with a chuckle. "The American prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies. Oh, Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show my appreciation I wish to awaken you from your world of cliches."

Anna and Leon both tensed, preparing for whatever was to come. Saddler's mouth opened, revealing a giant eyeball staring at them. Legs broke from his back, raising him up. An arm with a pincher and his face in the middle spurted out from his neck.

"What in the hell is that?" Anna exclaimed as she watched in horror as Saddler mutated right in front of their eyes.

"Whatever it is isn't good." Leon exclaimed, drawing his gun. "You head for the controls, see if we can get those bridges back up to give us more space!" He told her. Anna nodded, taking off for the control stand. Leon started shooting, aiming for the eyes one the two front legs. He backed up as Saddler moved forward, dodging the knife like arm as it swiped at him. In the corner of his eye, he spotted a red barrel. That should do some damage. He waited for Saddler to get closer before shooting the barrel, shielding his eyes with his arm. Saddler let out a piercing scream, but it seemed to have a very little effect on him.

Anna climbed up onto the metal platform, finding the control panel. She glanced at the buttons before deciding to hit the middle one. It glowed green, raising the bridge. She smiled triumphantly before quickly turning around, hearing the barrel's explosion. She got an idea.

"Leon, watch out!" She yelled, grabbing the levers, swinging a bundle of metal beams at Saddler, hitting him. It flung him to the other side of the platform. She jumped down from the platform, rushing to Leon's side.

"That was good thinking Anna." Leon said. Anna nodded, a smile on her face. Though it wasn't there for long as she spotted Saddler making his way towards them again. Anna raised her gun, aiming and hitting one of the eyes. She cocked the gun, doing the same thing, aiming for the same spot. Leon took aim at the other eye. It seemed to have some sort of effect on him, but not enough. His arm shot out again, hitting Anna, flinging her off to the side. She hit the ground with a groan, her gun going sliding. She groaned, hand going to her stomach where the arm had sliced her. Blood covered her fingers as she pulled her hand away.

Leon watched as she got flung, eyes widened. He began shooting at Saddler again, backing up and making sure to stay out of the way of the arm. He grabbed one of the grenades he had, pulling the pin and throw it in Saddler's direction, giving him enough time to run to Anna.

   "You okay?" Leon asked.

   "Never felt better." Anna said, groaning as she got up, grabbing the shotgun. "We have to head for the bridges." She said. She grabbed his hand, pulling him that way, running as she kept an eye on Saddler. The both ran across and were about to reach the other side when the bridge gave out. Anna yelped and quickly let go of his hand, grabbing onto the metal floor of the bridge. They both started to climb, Anna ignoring the pain in her abdomen as she pulled herself up to the top. She stood, looking over her shoulder. Saddler was headed their way.

"Leon, move!" She yelled, her hand going up, moving him quickly out of the way as Saddler leaped over. He hit Anna, sending her flying once again, crashing into a pile of building supplies. She groaned, trying to get up.

"Use this." Ada called out from a higher platform. She threw down what looked like an RPG, landing it at Leon's feet. Leon quickly grabbed it, hoisting it onto his shoulders. He fired it, the explosion ripping Saddler to pieces.

"Guess the cliche worked out this time around"

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now