𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗 : 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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Two years later. . .

Years spent traveling across the country and spending many hours in a college campus was definitely a change of pace for Anna that she had to get used to. She was often antsy when Ashley would have classes, spending the time in the back of the classrooms, acting as the young girl's shadow. Wesker had not come back into her life after that day she had discovered the note he had left but that night had been one that never left her thoughts, constantly in the back of her mind as well as the thought of her new apparent power.

She had been testing it out, slowly because it still terrified her. It was a scary power, sure she could possibly kill some one using her telekinesis, but this power was different, this one was made to kill. It was getting stronger with each time she practiced.

She sat currently in the back of Ashley's lecture class, watching as slides flipped on the screen, having forgotten exactly what they were about considering she had been focused on the doorways and lost in her own thoughts. Her right leg bounced up and down, a constant movement that kept her from going stir crazy with boredom. Her life had never been this calm, never been so normal. Though there was a bit of familiarity to this, to sitting in a classroom and listening to the teacher lecture. Perhaps she was getting memories from her life before this, back in high school. But it was too strange compared to what her life had been for so long. To have such a normal life was foreign and made her uneasy, like she was just waiting for something to happen and throw her life back into chaos.

She ran her fingers through her blonde hair, her blue eyes tearing away from the doorways and looking around the lecture hall randomly. Her back was starting to ache, her legs whining to be stretched. The hard plastic chair she had been sat in was not by any means comfortable and she wondered how anyone could stay still in them for such a long period of time. Well, maybe it would be a little more bearable if she was actually a student who had to pay attention to the class.

The ticking of the clock on the wall above the front board filled her ears, moving at a steady and normal pace. Twenty more minutes until this was over and Ashley would probably drag her off to do some shopping or coffee run. At the beginning, it had been new and something she was not into but now she didn't mind it and at least she was kept moving and doing something instead of sitting here. While she loved the job she had, part of her wished the DSO had offered her a job. She wanted to be out there like her brother, helping the world and with her gifts, she could be so much better than most of the agents they had. There was one problem though and that was that the DSO didn't trust her. She was one of the things they were tasked with killing so of course they didn't trust her and were wary of her abilities given to her by Umbrella.

The sound of the professor stopping the slides and turning on the lights was a welcomed one to Anna's ears as she got up from her seat, watching as other students flooded out of the lecture hall. It was Ashley's last class for the day so that meant no more sitting in backs of classrooms in stiff, uncomfortable chairs. She heard the faint sound of her phone go off in the back pocket of her jeans. It brought a confused look on her face as she grabbed it from her pocket and flip it open, reading the message that had come through from the head of security at the White House. The familiar rush of adrenaline filled her as she slid the phone back into her pocket and walked quickly down the lecture hall steps and into the crowd, eyes trained on Ashley. Within a few quick steps, her hand easily grabbed Ashley's upper arm.

"We need to get back to the White House." She whispered, not giving the young girl room for resistance.

She steered the young girl out of the lecture hall and outside. Her pace was fast, heading them to the car waiting for them. Her eyes watched the people walking around the, feeling finally in her element once again, at ease when she was having to watch every movement and everyone around her. The two secret service agents stepped out of the car and opened the back doors for them to climb into. Anna helped the other girl get into the car before climbing in herself, telling the driver to drive them back to the White House.

The car ride back was quiet, Ashley starting to ask questions at the beginning but one look from Anna was all she need to realize that Anna didn't have all the answers to her questions. Her mind raced with questions as well, wondering what had happened at the White House for them to call her and Ashley back there. As the car pulled up to the gates of the familiar building, the guard opened the gate for them after checking who was in the vehicle.

The two girls got out of the car and were led inside, Anna taking Ashley to her room before heading to the Oval Office where the President was waiting for her. She guessed that whatever had happened must have been pretty serious for the President to call her in. Usually she was left out of the loop unless in concerned Ashley's safety. She walked down the hallway, seeing the usual secret service agents that she worked with. However, there were faces she didn't recognize and she took mental note of as she finally found herself in front of the door to the Oval Office.

She was escorted in by one of the agents posted outside the door, noticing that two men were there besides The President. A man she recognized as one of his many aides and the other was an unfamiliar face to her and naturally she watched his every move as she entered the room.

"Mr. President," she said simply, standing in a relaxed stance, but her hand stayed near her holster, not trusting the new face in the room. Her gut telling her that he wasn't to be trusted.

"We have a situation and we need your help. . ."

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