𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟕 : 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝

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   Leon had made sure that Hunnigan informed the President to keep the press away, especially when they landed. The last thing Anna needed was to be swarmed with photographers and questions.

   Anna Redfield was presumed dead years ago. Those were Hunnigan's words when he had said he would be accompanied by her. He hadn't had time to explain the situation, after all, it was a long story and it wasn't his to tell to them. The helicopter touched down on the front lawn of the White House, the engine and blades slowing to a stop. They all stood, Ashley obviously excited to get off and see her family. Leon grabbed one of the blankets they had been given, wrapping it around Anna's shoulders.

   "There shouldn't be any press, but just in case. We don't need any questions about Umbrella." Leon said softly. Anna nodded in agreement. She didn't want reporters and news channels coming after her with millions of questions that she didn't know the answer to. The door opened, light pouring in as they got a glimpse at the world once again. The agents got out, helping both Ashley and Anna out before Leon stepped out. Across the lawn, stood the President and his wife along with a pair of secret service agents. Ashley ran forward, rushing into her father's arms. Anna smiled, watching her mother and father embrace her, holding her tightly. Her chest tightened a little. Deep down, she wished there was someone waiting for her. Maybe there was, but even if there was, she wouldn't remember them. She wouldn't feel any connection. In that moment, she felt so utterly alone. Drowned by her thoughts, she didn't hear Leon calling her name. A hand waved her front of her face, causing her to focus again.

"You with us sweetheart?" Leon asked, a chuckle escaping his lips though his face was laced just a bit with concern.

"Yeah, sorry, just zoned out a bit." Anna said with a nod. She pulled the blanket closer around her shoulders, walking over with him to the President and his wife.

"Thank you both for bringing our daughter back to us. Let's head inside, away from possible reporters and photographers" President Graham said. Anna and Leon followed behind the secret agents, the group walking inside the White House. They walked through the halls and into the Oval Office. Two agents stood outside the doorway and once inside the two that had been accompanying the President stood beside the doorway. Ashley has gone off with her mother, probably to change and settle back into her home.

"I'll have to admit I was a little worried when they said they would only be sending you Mr. Kennedy, but you did it. You brought our Ashley home to us." President Graham said with a smile. He seemed so relieved to have his daughter back home and safe.

   "Thank you, Mr. President, but I did have some help." Leon said with a smile. The President nodded, turning to Anna.

   "Yes I believe some thanks are in order for you as well Miss. . ."


   "Ah, Miss Redfield. Any relation perhaps to Mr. Chris Redfield? I hear he is doing great work for the BSAA." President Graham said with a smile.

   "Yes, that is her. However, she doesn't not remember that. She didn't even know her last name until I told her on the island I found her at." Leon explained, receiving a puzzled look from the President.

   "You mean to tell me that, you, Miss Redfield, don't remember who you are or your family?" He asked curiously, leaning back against his desk.

   "No, I woke up in an Umbrella testing lab, that's the last thing I remember. I didn't know who I was or how I even ended up there." Anna explained.

"Fascinating!" The President with a smile. Leon gave him an odd look. "Sorry, I studied some neuroscience in college and stuff like this has always interested me." He explained.

"However, what happened to you is horrible and if you ever need anything, let me know. My wife and I will forever be grateful for you helping Mr. Kennedy return our daughter home to us safely." He said with a smile.

   "Thank you sir." Anna said, shaking his hand gently. Leon shook his hand as well before guiding Anna out of the room. He gave a nod to the agents before walking down the hallway with her. A sound of running feet could be heard against the carpet, causing the pair to turn around. Ashley was running toward them.

   "Anna! Leon, wait!" She called out. The pair stopped, waiting for her to catch up. She hugged Anna gently.

   "Thank you for getting me home you two." She said, letting go and smiling at them. She was excited to be back home, safe and sound, far away from that awful cult that had taken her. Anna nodded with a smile. She was glad they were able to get her home safe to her family.

"So I'll see you around?" She asked.

"Maybe, kid." Anna said with a chuckle. She waved goodbye to the girl as she took off down the hallway in the direction she had come from.

   "Come on, the DSO will want to talk to you in a few days so you should get some rest." Leon said with a gentle smile, continuing on down the hall.

   "Are they going to put me in a hotel?" Anna asked him curiously as she followed him. Leon shook his head.

   "I have a spare room at my house, you can stay there until they figure out what to do with you." Leon said, causing Anna to smile. "Plus, its better than some strange hotel." He said. Anna nodded a little.

"Thanks, for everything Leon." Anna said. She was grateful for his help, that he had gotten her away from the awful people who had experimented on her.

   "Come on blondie."

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now