𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑 : 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞

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    Anna had been living in the White House for a few months. Taking the position, as Ashley's bodyguard had given her some semblance of purpose. She wasn't moping around a house, feeling lost and sorry for herself. She got up, like every morning at five, the sun peeking in the room. She hadn't been a morning person, but her body had naturally fallen into this routine after a week or so. She got up and started to work out. Ashley wouldn't be up for a few more hours so she had time to get ready with ease. Her work out took the usual hour and after she took a quick shower in the bathroom connected to her room.

    It didn't take her long to get ready and by looking at the clock by her bedside, she discovered she still had about an hour and a half to spare before she had to get to work. She sat at the small desk under the window, flipping her sketchbook open. She grabbed the pencil and began working on the sketch she had been doing. It was the face that had haunted her dreams since she had come back to the states. A face she would never forget. Something was off though as she looked at the portrait she had done, like it was missing something. She pulled out the drawer on the right side of the desk, rummaging through the various pens until she found the one she wanted, the red one. She took off the cap and colored in the eyes, stopping when they got to the way she wanted. Wesker never left her, even if she has escaped him, even when she had gotten away he still held a firm grasp on her, haunting her dreams. He was out there somewhere and she feared he would try to come after her. She tried to forget him, to push her fears aside and focus on her job but she couldn't. He was apart of her job. She had to be careful, to watch for him because if she didn't, it could put Ashley's life in danger, not to mention her own. Of course, there was another face that she couldn't forget, maybe she didn't want to forget this one. His eyes were a pretty shade of blue, always looking at her in a way that made her stomach feel like it was doing flips. She closed the sketchbook, leaving it on the desk where it always lay. She grabbed her Beretta, slipping it into the holster that was strapped to her thigh. 

    Ashley was just starting to wake up as Anna took her place outside the door, relieving the secret service agent that had been stationed in the hall for the night. She was used to the routine by now and even enjoyed the other girl's company. Ashley emerged from the room moments later, giving Anna a rather happy smile when she saw her. 

    "Well someone is awful chipper this morning." Anna said in a teasing tone. This wasn't particularly unusual for the younger girl. How she could be so cheerful this early in the morning was always going to be a mystery to Anna. 

    "And I have a good reason to be, you and me are going shopping, you really need to update your wardrobe, and then grabbing an early lunch because we have to make it back here before one." Ashley said, putting a bit of emphasis on how it was important they be back by then. Anna made a face at her, following her as she started down the hall. 

    "I don't understand what you have against my choice of clothing, I'm your bodyguard. I need to be able to kick someone's ass and not have to deal with stupid clothes that restrict my movements." Anna said as she rolled her eyes, knowing that the comment would do nothing to deter Ashley from having her fun and picking out outfits for her to try on. 

    "And why exactly do we have to be back here by one?" Anna asked as they walked down to the White House's kitchen so Ashley could get her breakfast and Anna her usual morning coffee. 

    "Because your cute, older brother is coming, that's why silly!" Anna said excitedly as she walked into the kitchen. Anna sighed, running a hand down her face. 

    "My brother is one, way too old for you and two, way too busy to even entertain the possibility of a relationship with anybody." Anna said as she poured the coffee into her usual black mug that was already out on the counter by the coffee machine for her. She knew it was simply a school girl crush, like you would have on the cute new teacher or more so in this case, your best friend's older brother. She still felt the need, more like the responsibility, to tell her what the reality of the situation was. She wondered though what her brother was coming to the White House for. Maybe he had a meeting with the President. That would make the most sense. She drank her coffee and followed Ashley out to the dining hall where Anna took her post, waiting for her to finish up her breakfast so they could be on there way to the various stores Ashley would be dragging her too. 

    Soon enough Ashley had finished her normal morning routine and the two were in one of the President's cars, the driver taking them to whatever the store was Ashley wanted to take her too. She hadn't really been listening to her if she was being honest, her eyes glued to the window, watching as the drove through D.C., the town she had just recently started to somewhat call home, at least for now. She had a bad feeling about this, like a pit in her stomach. She didn't know what it was but she was sure she didn't want to find out. 

"Oh don't look so sad Anna, you are going to have fun and you know it."

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now