𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟏 : 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲

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Anna sat on the cold ground of her room, arms chained by shackles so that they hung out and above her head. It was freezing in the warehouse, but at this point she had grown used to it. Her hospital gown that she had arrived in weeks ago was long gone, leaving her body bare and exposed. Her head hung low, blonde hair cascading down and covering her face, shielding her eyesight. Her blue eyes were closed almost like she was sleeping. In fact, she had been sleeping, that was until she heard two voices. They were new, a male and what sounded like a young female. They spoke English. Very few people she came into contact with here spoke English.

. . .

Leon entered the room, gun drawn as he looked around. The girl he was supposed to protect and bring back followed closely behind him. His body was sore, mainly due to the pain he had to endure to get whatever that thing was inside of him out. After seeing that the room was empty, he lowered his gun. He walked over to desk, blue eyes scanning the files that lay spread out on. A name caught his attention. Anna Redfield. His mind flashed to the night in Raccoon City and to a red haired girl with the same last name. Claire. She had been looking for her brother and sister. Could this be her sister? His eyes lifted up, peering through the glass window. He spotted her, not having seen her earlier since she was so still. But there she was, she seemed naked. What had they done to her? He thought. He holstered his gun and glanced back at Ashley.

"Stay in here, you see anything coming this way yell for me." He told her, receiving a small nod and a puzzled look from the girl. He grabbed what seemed to be a key card up from the desk, sliding it down the slot. The light turned green and a click could be heard. Anna's fingers twitched, hearing him come in. She didn't move, she kept still, listening.

Leon walked closer and crouched down. He had grabbed a lab coat from one of the coat hangers in the other room. He slowly rested it on her body, covering her bare skin. He stared at her with a sort of curiosity. Was she even alive? He reached out, his thumb and index finger raising her chin so he could look at her. She looked a little like Claire.

Her blue eyes suddenly opened, startling Leon, catching him off guard. Before he knew it, she had her legs wrapped around his neck and his cheek was pressed against her thigh, facing the other wall. He tried to pry her off of him.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I know your sister, Claire Redfield!" He managed to get out as his hand gripped her leg. He tried to get up, but every time he did he lifted her, it was exhausting on his body.

"I don't have a sister!" Anna said, squeezing her legs a little tighter. Of course, she didn't know if that was true. She couldn't remember anything.

Leon's mind raced, trying to think of something. It was getting harder to breath. He didn't want to stab her. God, he knew Claire would never forgive him if he did, plus this girl could help them. So, he did the one thing he could think of. He turned his face, biting down on her leg. Her legs suddenly released him, a yelp escaping from her mouth. He got to his hands and knees, gasping and coughing as he caught his breath. He turned to face her, only to be greeted with her foot, her heel smashing into his cheekbone. He groaned, falling onto his back as his hand clutched the side of his face.

Anna glared at him, her muscles tense, arms straining against the shackles she was in. He got up, moving to the other wall, leaning against it to try and regain his senses. That kick had hurt like hell. He definitely was going to have a bruise after this. He sighed, looking back at the blonde girl. He couldn't leave her here.

"If I unlock you, are you going to kick me again?" He asked, a small chuckle hitting his throat. She was certainly a fiery one. Must be a Redfield thing, he thought.

Anna shook her head slowly. She watched him carefully. He didn't seem like someone who worked for these people or someone who worked for Wesker. No, he seemed too heroic. That's it. He must have been sent to get the president's daughter. She was taken by the same people Wesker had given her to.

Leon nodded, watching her as he got up. He grabbed a key from his pocket, one he had found earlier. He had wondered if would ever come into use. He walked over and crouched down, unlocking the shackles. Anna pulled her arms close, rubbing her wrists gently. She grabbed the lab coat that was on the floor next to her, the one that the male had tried to put on her, covering her bare chest with it. He offered his hand to her. She eyed it for a moment, looking back at him, her blue eyes looking at his own. He gave her a little smirk, as if to say it was alright. She gently took his hand and stood up. He walked out of the room, Anna following behind him. Her eyes spotted the younger girl, the president's daughter she assumed. Poor thing looked scared to death. But then again, she had just watched her rescuer get kicked in the face by a complete stranger.

Anna turned her gaze away from the younger girl, walking over to one of the lockers in the control room. She unlocked it, throwing away the lock and opening the door. Inside hung her tactical suit. It was black, the Umbrella symbol stitched onto the back. She pulled it out. Horrible memories came with it. She grimaced a bit but it was the only thing she had to wear. A gun clicked and she glanced over. Leon had drawn his weapon, pointing it at her.

    "Who are you?"

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now