𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖 : 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫

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    Anna did not fall back to sleep that night, instead she stayed awake, constantly on edge since she had found the note on her desk. The fear of going back to that corporation hit her like waves crashing on the beach. She had just barely escaped the clutches of Wesker and now it seemed like he was mere moments away from pulling her back in, back into the world of viruses and experimentation. 

    The night hours passed slowly, Anna spending most of them pacing the room she had grown to call her own. Her quiet footsteps were muffled by the carpet of the room, but her ears were more focused on the noises beyond the walls. Her gun and combat knife lay just within reach, just in case she were to need it. The pacing lasted well into the morning hours, the blonde soon feeling the exhaustion slowly creeping in, its fingers digging into her. She tried to fight it, watching the sun come slowly up, peeking into the room. The fight was lost and she soon succumbed, laying down on top of the covers of her bed, not bothering to climb under them. Her eyes closed and she soon fell into a light sleep, her body too tense to truly fall into the deep sleep her body craved. 

    It wasn't long though, before she was woken up once more. The sound of faint voices woke her up and she felt her body quickly leave its slumber. It was a voiced she recognized and she could hear also the muffled voices of the secret service agents, something was up. She quickly got up from the bed, grabbing her clothes from the other day. She changed into them before slipping on her gun and knife holster and heading down the stairs. As she came down the staircase, she was greeted by a familiar face, currently arguing with two of the secret service agents. 

    "I'm sorry but the President isn't expecting you Mr. Kennedy. We have been instructed to not let in anyone who isn't expected." One of the agents said just as Anna made it to the bottom steps and into the entrance hall. 

    "Its okay Agent Harrison, I was expecting him," she said as she walked over to the men. 

    Agent Harrison glanced to Anna, a look of brief frustration flashing across his face. He of course let Leon pass and resumed his post in the entrance hall. Anna gestured for him to follow her, leading him upstairs and to her room. It was early still and most of the other residents were still asleep. She closed the door softly behind them, turning back around. Leon was there in front of her, his eyes watching her with a subtle look of concern. It was as if the world came crumbling around her and she began to collapse with it. The panic from the night before set in again and she guess he had seen it because he reached out and drew her closer. Anna wrapped her arms around him, her fingers curling and gripping onto his shirt. 

     "He was here," she whispered, "he was in this room." 

     She sounded terrified to even speak those words out loud, that maybe if she didn't speak about it, it didn't actually happened. She felt his hand cradle the back of her head, holding her as close as possible, like he knew somehow he made her feel safe. 

     "The DSO is looking into it. They are looking into all ports of entry to see if they can spot him or anyone of his description." Leon said, trying to ease her panic. 

     Anna appreciated the effort, but she doubted the DSO's capabilities. Wesker had his ways and if he wanted to come into the country without anyone knowing, he could do just that. They stood in silence for awhile, Anna letting herself slowly relax and remember that she was safe. This was what Wesker wanted. He wanted her scared and to break. She knew his mind games all too well and knew that if he really planned to take her, he would have done it that night. No, for the moment, he was taunting her, toying with her mind. He wanted her on edge for some reason. Her grip seemed to tighten a little on Leon, as if wanting to make sure he was real and it wasn't some mind game or dream like the one she had dreamt the night before. She felt his chest vibrate as a soft laugh rumbled through it. 

     "I'm right here blondie and I'm not going anywhere." 

    The familiar nickname brought a slight smile to Anna's face as she reminded herself that she was safe and he was there. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. She could hear the pulse of his heartbeat as her head was pressed against his chest. Against her fingertips, she could start to feel his blood pulsing underneath them. The same feeling she had in her dream, the same abilities that allowed her to kill Wesker, or at least think she had killed him. She tried to not let fear show on her face as she loosened her grip. She was afraid of what she could do with this brand new ability. She was worried about what it meant, if she could develop new powers other than this. 

     Leon stayed with her that day, while Anna watched over Ashley, the younger girl definitely curious as to why the agent was there. Anna's demeanor seemed to send the clear message that questions were unwelcome at the time. Anna spent most of the time that day hoping and waiting for any news from the DSO, but like she feared, nothing ever came in. They couldn't find a trace of Wesker in the country. She didn't know whether this information comforted her or terrified her. At least Leon was there and always a phone call away. He was someone she could count on. 

    He was her savior. 

// this took forever but I am hopefully going to finish this book up soon and plan out the rest of this series! 

- love, elizabeth

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now