𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 ( 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 )

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    Anna quickly turned around as the voice filled the alleyway, coming face to face with the person that had following her and Ashley all day. She should have known, she should have trusted her gut when she first saw them. Her blue eyes narrowed, her voice tense as she spoke. 


    Her voice came out low, in almost a growl as the name dripped off her tongue. She knew she would regret leaving her alive back in Europe. If only Leon hadn't stopped her from shooting her when she saw her. She pushed the thoughts away, knowing it wasn't good to dwell on the actions of the past. They couldn't be changed and when facing Ada, you needed to be on your toes, not distracted. 

    "Looks like you made a life for yourself Anna," she said, her voice coming out in a taunting tone, a smirk on her face that only served to aggravate the blonde even more. What the hell did she want? 

    "So, Wesker has you stalking me now is it?" Anna questioned her, watching her every move, fingers near the gun holster that held her gun. 

    Ada laughed at her words, a sigh escaping her lips after. She shook her head, black hair moving slightly as she did so. 

    "Oh Anna, you never were one for big picture thinking were you? Always willing to protect even a stranger without thinking of the consequences." She said, her eyes not moving from Anna as she started to walk, causing Anna to move as well, the two beginning to circle each other. She stopped, standing beside the dumpster that was for the store that opened into the alleyway. She spun, her leg raising and kicking a beer bottle that rest on the floor towards Anna. It flew at her head and would have smashed there instead of the wall behind her if she hadn't quickly dropped into a squat to avoid it. Glass rained down as well as some of the liquid that had been left in the bottle. Anna quickly looked up, only for a black heel to kick her in the face. 

    The kick sent her sprawling onto the dirty ground of the alley, blood trickling into her mouth and down her chin from the cut that was now on her lip. Her mind seemed to blank, only focused on one thing, not letting Ada get another shot in. She quickly rolled to her side and pushed herself up to her knees. Ada aimed another kick for her head. She quickly reached up and caught the foot, shoving it up and throwing her off balance. Ada fell, landing on her back against the hard concrete. Anna reached under the back of her shirt, yanking her combat knife from the sheath that was on her belt. Ada got her feet quickly, watching Anna, eyes locked on the knife that she held, her forearm raised and the blade parallel with it, shielding her face. 

    Ada weighed her chances before striking again, going for another kick. Anna ducked under her leg, swiping up with her knife and catching the side of her thigh. Ada looked at the blood that was starting to run from her cut, the tear in her pantyhose from the knife quite noticeable. Anna couldn't help but smirk at the fact that she had drawn blood. Ada glared, not holding back anything. She came at her with force, Anna dodging many of the blows and delivering some of her own. They were both good fighters, two different styles but equal in strength and experience. Ada kicked her leg out from under her, causing Anna once again to fall to the ground. Her knife skidded on the concrete, out of her reach as Ada quickly got on top of her, pining her to the ground. 

     "Now doesn't this seem familiar." Ada said with a laugh, having grabbed Anna's knife, holding it now against her own throat. "Though in Spain, I distinctly recall the knife being against my throat." 

    Anna glared, trying to desperately think of a way out of the situation. Her mind raced as she looked up at her attacker. She quickly grabbed the wrist that held the knife, squeezing tightly while her other hand, grabbed the fabric of the shirt Ada wore. She slammed her head hard against Ada's, pain shooting though her skull. It did the trick, disorientating Ada enough for Anna to shove her off her, grabbing her gun from her holster. 

    Ada had gotten to her feet, Anna's knife still in her hand. Anna was crouched on her one knee, gun raised and aimed at her. Ada knew her odds weren't good. 

    "You can't hide from Wesker forever. One day he will find you and you won't be able to escape." 

    She tossed the knife to the side before taking off out of the alley and disappearing with ease into the crowd of people walking up and down the sidewalk. Anna pushed herself to stand, her back a little sore from falling against the concrete twice. She slipped her gun back into its holster before she grabbed her knife from where it had been thrown by Ada. She wiped off the small amount of blood that was on the blade against the denim fabric. Her head was pounding from the headbutt.

     Ada was long gone by now as Anna walked out of the alleyway, starting down the sidewalk. Looks like she would be walking back to the White House. It wasn't too long of a distance and Anna needed some time to mule over her thoughts. What the hell did Ada mean? Her head was pounding and her body was starting to grow sore, the adrenaline having run its course. She was confused and worried, wondering why Ada had even come after her here in D.C. 

    She eventually got back to the White House, flashing her security badge at the guard, who proceeded to let her in through the gates and into the house. She sighed as she entered the house, her body finally letting itself relax. At least here she had back up. There were other agents beside her to protect the President and her family. 

    A rush of footsteps were heard and suddenly she was hit by someone, their arms quickly wrapping around her. She tried her best not to flinch, after all she had hit the bruise that was no doubt forming on her back. 

    "Hey Ashley," she said, her one arm wrapping around the girl and returning the hug. 

    "Anna I was so worried, you can't just leave without an explanation and come home with," Ashley was cut off and another figure joined them. 

    Chris looked at his little sister, walking over once Ashley released her grip. His hand went to her chin, grabbing it as he tilted her head up slightly. There was a thin line of blood across her neck. His eyes looked at it with concern, seeing that it was nothing serious though, they softened. His hand released her chin. 

    "What happened?" 

    "Ada, saw her following me and Ashley around. I sent Ashley back and we got into a scrap in some alleyway. She got away." Anna explained, seeing the concern once again return to her brother's eyes. They knew that Ada always brought trouble and with the knowledge she had of what Anna was, she was an even bigger threat. If word got out that Anna was there it could mean a huge security problem. But Chris didn't want to say anything, he didn't want to worry Anna. 

    "She mentioned Wesker too, said I couldn't hide from him forever." she added. Chris's jaw clenched at the mention of the man who had done all this to his little sister.

   "I'll let the BSAA know what happened. We'll try to keep tabs on her and be on the lookout for any sightings on Wesker." 

    That was all he said before pressing a quick kiss to his baby sister's forehead. He left them standing in the front entrance way, making his way back to the BSAA car he had driven there. The affection made Anna smile. She was still getting used to it but she definitely enjoyed the love her big brother showed her. It made her feel like she finally wasn't alone, she had people to rely on and turn too. 

"Well I think this calls for a movie marathon."

// to those who guessed it was Wesker, don't worry, he may be making an appearance very soon!

- love, elizabeth

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now