𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟓 : 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝

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Ashley came rushing over as the two stepped off the elevator, Anna pressing her hand to her stomach as she walked.

"Oh my god Anna, you're hurt!" She exclaimed, seeing the blood on her hands and the slash to her stomach.

"I'll be fine kid, but we have to move now, this whole island is about to blow!" She said.

   "It's going to what?!" Ashley yelled. Leon grabbed his gun, running towards the cave tunnels. Anna held onto Ashley's arm, the two girls following quickly behind Leon. The ground shook, dust falling from the cave ceilings as the ran.

"Turn left!" Anna yelled to Leon. "There's an entrance down that way, that's the way Wesker brought me in!" She explained. Leon nodded, turning down the left tunnel. Soon it opened into a big chamber. A jet ski was in the water, tied down.

"Quick, let's get on and get the hell out of here!" Leon said as the ground shook hard, rocks falling down from the cave ceiling. He jumped on, waiting for the girl's. Anna climbed on, Ashley getting on right behind her. It was a tight fit, three people on a jet-ski, but what other option did the have. Ashely wrapped her arms around Anna tightly. Anna bit down on her tongue, pain shooting through her stomach.

   "Hang on sweetheart!" Leon exclaimed, revving the engine. Anna quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, holding on tight. He took off down the cave. They didn't have much time left to get out of there. He swerved as they came upon two tunnels, turning quickly to go into the one not blocked. Loud rumblings filled their ears, drowning out the loud noise of the engine.

   "Hurry Leon!" Ashley yelled above the loud noise. Leon gave it more gas, going faster through the cave system. A loud blast went off, a deafening sound being heard through the cave.

   "Watch out!" Anna said as a huge rock chunk from the ceiling fell into the water, Leon swerving just in time to miss it. He watched as more chunks fell, dodging each one. Anna gripped onto him tightly as they went faster. They were going to make it. Blasts could be heard going off, one after another. The facility was crumbling above them, the island was about to be destroyed and them along with it if they didn't hurry. A loud sound suddenly could be heard behind them. Ashley turned, hearing the roar of water behind them. The blasts had caused a tidal wave to form and if they didn't hurry, it was going to crash into them and destroy any chance of them getting out of this place alive.


"I know!" He exclaimed. Anna glanced back, eyes widening as she saw the wall of water heading straight for them. He sped up, dodging more rock chunks as he went as well as massive rock formations that blocked part of their path. Anna gripped tightly as they reached the end of the tunnel, the force of the water and the speed they were going launching them out into the open ocean. They hit the water, both girls flying off and into the deep blue water.

   "Ashley! Anna!" Leon yelled, quickly turning the jet ski around, searching for the two. He circled, growing more worried with each passing second.

   "Ashley! Anna! Where are you?" He yelled. He couldn't lose them, not when they were so close. His blue eyes frantically scanned the water, standing up on the jet ski. He whipped around as a gasp was heard, Ashley breaching the surfacing, coughing up the salt water she had taken in.

   "Leon!" She yelled. He turned it around, heading for her. He reached out, pulling her up.

  "Where's Anna?" Leon asked urgently, looking for the other girl.

"I don't know, I didn't see her!" Ashley said as she climbed onto the jet ski with his help.

   Anna swam towards the surface, trying to ignore the pain of her injuries as she headed towards the sunlight. The salt water stung her eyes, her lungs screaming for air with each kick of her legs. She had sunk so far down when she went under. She hadn't seen Ashley which was causing her to start panicking. Ashley needed to get out of here alive. They needed to get her home. An arm suddenly closed around her waist, pulling her up the last bit to the surface. She gasped as she felt the open air hit her face, coughing as her lungs scrambled to get air. She turned, seeing a pair of blue eyes watching her, a smirk on his face. Leon kept his arm around her, helping keep them both afloat.

   "Had me worried there for a second." He said with a chuckle. Anna laughed softly as she breathed heavily.

   "Can't get rid of me that easy Leon." She said as she treaded water.

   "Could you guys hurry it up, I want to get home." Ashley teased the two, causing them both to laugh. They swam to the jet ski. Leon pulling himself up and then Anna.

   "I don't know about you two but I'm gonna need a drink once we get back." Anna said, causing Leon to chuckle.

   "I couldn't agree with you more." He replied. He revved the engine, taking off away from the island. Anna held onto him, her cheek resting against his back as the spray of the ocean water hit her face. Once they were far enough, he slowed down and stopped. A noise came from a device on his belt. Leon picked it up, answering it.

"Hunnigan is that you?" He asked. Anna stayed quiet, guessing that was his contact. Saddler and his men must have been messing with the signal while they were on the island.

"I have Ashley Graham and we headed home. I also have another someone with me, someone who is going to spark some interest when we get back." Leon said, speaking into the headset.

"Anna Redfield"

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now