𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟔 : 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Helicopter blades could be heard, causing the trip to look up, spotting the black rescue chopper heading their way. Relief was seen on their faces as it grew closer, spraying most onto their faces from the wind the blades were creating. It stopped, hovering right above the jet ski. A ladder was thrown down to them, Leon holding the jet ski steady as Anna helped Ashley grab the ladder. She began to climb, one of the men in the chopper helping her up and into the helicopter.

"Ladies first." Leon said with a smirk at Anna, causing her to laugh and roll her eyes. She reached out and gripped the rungs of the ladder. She began to climb up, slowly but surely making it up. Leon began climbing next, only a few steps behind her. She was helped up into the chopper, the man calling one of the medics over when he noticed the blood on her. The medic came over, helping her out of the way and getting her to lie down across the seats so he could attend to her wound. Leon came over, sitting down beside her. Anna gave him a tiny smile as she was looked at.

"You are lucky this didn't go down that far, you won't need stitches." The medic said, Leon giving her a confused look. There was no way that wound was superficial, not with that much blood. The medic cleaned the wound and taped the gauze to her stomach before letting her sit up.

   "Once we get back state side we will get you some antibiotics so an infection doesn't spread." He told her before getting up. He went to go check on Ashley, leaving the other two alone. Anna sighed, shifting so she was more comfortable, at least as comfortable as she could be.

"Don't need stitches? That wound was almost fatal. He can't seriously think that it doesn't need stitches." Leon commented in a quiet voice. "What exactly were the side effects of Umbrella's experiments on you?" He asked in a hushed voice. Anna sighed, looking up at him. She searched his face, watching his blue eyes scan her face.

   "There were many side effects. Because my body bonded with it on a cellular level, it mutated the cells. With that, I gained certain abilities." Anna started softly, her voice hushed so the other agents in the helicopter couldn't hear her. "The T-virus, it has caused my cells to regenerate at an accelerated rate."


   "Meaning, I can practically walk away from any mortal wound. My body heals at a faster rate." Anna explained.

   "What about on the bridge? How did you do that with knife? How did you push me out of the way without touching me?" He had so many questions, but he didn't want to overwhelm her. Who knows, maybe she didn't even know the answer to them.

"Along with the healing, I started to gain other powers. The one you saw, the one I used was telekinesis. I can move and manipulate things with my mind. I have also started to develop the ability to manipulate fire. The only problem with these powers is the physical exhaustion it puts on me." Anna said, brushing a strand of hair behind her. She chuckled softly to herself.

"What?" Leon asked with a curious smile.

"Nothing, its just, I don't know why I feel so comfortable telling you all this. Most people would think I was crazy. Maybe it's cause we just escaped from a cult." She said, shaking her head.

"Believe me, I have seen enough weird shit in my life that all of this doesn't even phase me." Leon reassured her. The pair sat in a comfortable silence after that, Anna resting her head back against the wall of the helicopter. The humming of the engine and whirring of the blades was a comfort to her. She was really going to be free of Wesker. She was going to get back her life, whatever it was before all of this happened to her. Her mind kept drifting back to what Leon has said, when she had attacked him in that cell. She turned her head, looking at him.

   "Back on the island, you said something about a sister, my sister?" Anna said softly. "What is she like?" she asked. She wanted to more about her past and if she had a sister, she wanted to know about her.

   "Well you two are pretty similar." Leon said with a soft chuckle. "She's a survivor like you. We survived the Raccoon City incident." He explained.

   "What was she doing in Raccoon City?" Anna asked him curiously.

   "She was actually looking for you and your brother." Leon said. Anna's eyes widened a little at the mention of a brother.

   "I have a brother too?"

   "Yeah you do. I think he works for the BSAA currently. Guess both of you like to fight B.O.Ws." Leon teased with a laugh. "I haven't met Chris much."

Anna nodded slowly, letting her brain process what she had just been told. A brother and a sister. She had a family. She had people who loved her. A tiny frown formed on her face. But she didn't remember them. She didn't have the memories they would have, she wouldn't look at them and see all the fun days they had together. She would look at them like they were strangers. And even she didn't know when her memory would come back to her, when she would finally know who she had been before all of this happened. Leon noticed the sad look on her face.

"Get some sleep, we'll be home soon enough."

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 • 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now